So ya know...

Feb 05, 2015 19:10

I'm not going to be writing up a reaction or review of 10.12. In fact, it's unlikely I'll be writing them any more. I feel I only want to complain these days and that's not fair on anyone (though I'm thinking of writing up some general stuff - mostly to help me try and work why I'm feeling just over it all ( Read more... )

poll, s10 musings

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Comments 98

chomaisky February 5 2015, 11:26:57 UTC


ash48 February 5 2015, 11:41:53 UTC


sam_dean_lover February 5 2015, 11:56:50 UTC
*hugs* <3. my grade is an F for everything. this series is going down the toilet. at 1st, my grade was a D, then i thought on it and remembered the last scene was stupid and then changed it :(. this show with my name initials is going down the toilet. *hugs you again* <3. i did enjoy the ep, til the pretty lamp.. i mean Sam got knocked out again, and the ending scene killed my enjoyment all together


ash48 February 5 2015, 12:09:57 UTC
Strangely, I really enjoyed the episode. I even re-watched it (so I could admire Dylan's performance all over again). I just figure that after an episode that showcases they brothers' relationship and I STILL feel empty, then it probably means it's fading for me. My discontent is complex I think (in terms of why I'm so annoyed at the show), so I'm thinking it might be time for a little break from trying to find deep layers that just don't exist anymore).


ash48 February 5 2015, 12:12:39 UTC
Just saw your ETA. And that was the clincher for me too. Dean sacrificing himself for Sam (again) and Sam having to say thank you (again). It's always been a part of their relationship I've enjoyed but it is SO one side now I just can't enjoy it any more. Anyway, I won't start ranting (because once I start, I may not stop.../o\).


fanspired February 5 2015, 12:28:59 UTC
That bugged me, too, though like you I enjoyed the ep, mostly for Dylan's performance. But, yeah, it grated that even in the body of a 14 year old Dean was still supposed to be the strong one who swoops in to save the day. Sam should have been able to take out Hansel with one punch. How come 14 year old Dean, who was thrown around just as much, recovered faster? They really didn't sell it that Sam was too injured to get up and get back in the fight. It looked like he was just lying there watching the show because he was too lame to try. It makes you wonder if show thinks that what he really is, or what the majority of fans want him to be. But it's beyond credibility that a man of Sam's stature is so easily bested time and time again.


fanspired February 5 2015, 12:49:18 UTC
Tbh, if it weren't for the serial I'm writing, I wouldn't be watching the show any more but, so long as my readers are, I feel I have to be in touch with what's going on there. But it's been several seasons now since I've regarded show as canon. In order to remain philosophical about it, I find it helps to regard it as professional fanfiction - of variable standard, some goodish some bad some indifferent. Glass is actually one of the better writers, I think, but that's only measured by the standard of what we've got left. The trouble is, they lost my willing suspension of disbelief a long time ago, and once that's gone I think it's next to impossible to get it back. After that, all you can see is holes.


ash48 February 5 2015, 13:03:12 UTC
Yeah. That's me now. It upsets be greatly (real tears last night.../o\) because I LOVED my disbelief being suspended. I loved believing they had a plan. I loved thinking this universe was solid and meant something. I saw through it all in that episode and it kind of killed me. But. At the same time, I think it might be a good thing. By not doing the reactions anymore I might stop watching it trying to find layers and connecting threads.

For me the fact that they don't seem to have anyone who can write Sam left on staff is just so depressing. We've had 12 episodes and not one examining Sam - even when there's been opportunities to do so.


fanspired February 5 2015, 13:23:49 UTC
At the end of the day, I think it comes down to economics. The coveted demographic is the 18-30 bracket so that's who they're marketing the show to. And I get the impression that the majority of the younger audience is a/ all about Dean (and the naive ideal of heroism they think he represents) and b/ mostly indifferent about layers. Sadly, the needs of the show's original core audience of middle aged women are no longer relevant.


ash48 February 5 2015, 13:49:29 UTC
True that. And sad. But yes. Good point. The show doesn't really cater to me so it's not really surprising it's not doing it for me like it used to. I'm not the CWs targeted demographic, so I shouldn't really complain I suppose.

(and it's Dean's heroism that I seemed to be having the most trouble with lately. I am struggling with the fact that the show is going to a lot of trouble to have Dean address his past wrongs by giving him a journey to go through. A journey that will help him feel better about himself (and maybe address all that self loathing) but at no point will the effects of what he's done ever be addressed (because they essentially don't exist because we never get to see the damage. As far as we know Sam's possession had no effect on Sam).


kazluvsbooks February 5 2015, 13:06:40 UTC
wow, i LOVED the ep, the acting was nop notch, i laughed out loud a lot.

I was happy that Sam got a BAMF moment in the bar and a speech at the end.

Jared was BRILLIANT working off teen Dean, you would swear that he was really talking to Dean.Mini Dean was so good,fantastic chemistry with Sam.

My only minor niggle was that Hansel and Gretel didn't really do it for me but everything else was awesome, including the end.


ash48 February 5 2015, 13:22:27 UTC
yay! So happy you loved it hun!

I adored Dylan's performance. He got Dean perfectly. And he and Jared really worked well together.

(My niggles are long term, deeply entrenched ones now. Nothing to do specifically with that episode. In fact, it's one of the few this season I've re-watched almost immediately just so I could watch the boys together…*g*).


kazluvsbooks February 5 2015, 21:57:26 UTC
(You are awesome to reply to all these comments)

re the fighting, i am wondering if Jared's shoulder is still not up to it?

He only just got the sling off for Fan Fiction (and said it was a bit early) i am wondering if he has orders not to punch anyone in the face (hee) or do long fight sequences, which is why he could do the head slam but not an active long fight?


ash48 February 6 2015, 02:20:46 UTC
(You are awesome to reply to all these comments)

These conversations are one of my fave things about fandom. :) I'm blessed to have people who will take the time to chat - even when we don't agree…*g*

re the fighting, i am wondering if Jared's shoulder is still not up to it?Hmmm, I'd be worried if Sam's characterisation was relying on them being careful of his shoulder. They can cut around anything like that. He didn't fight because it was important for the particular story they are telling now. It was important for Dean to save Sam (and make that sacrifice etc) for the story they are creating for Dean. Just like it's important for Sam to be made aware of just how much Dean sacrifices for him (so that later he'll sacrifice something to save Dean. Probably). Even though he already knows that, I think they feel that the audience needs to be reminded (I think they are also being apologists for Sam's speech about "I wouldn't do the same for you" from last season. Realising the backlash from that has prompted them to turn that on ( ... )


cherry916 February 5 2015, 13:20:50 UTC
I really enjoyed Dylan's performance of Dean, I think this is what saved the episode for me.

However, I just feel annoyed that Dean had to save the day and Sam had to say thank you for it. It's not enough that during Dean's storyline of MOC we are getting episode after episode of Sam being supportive and showing Dean's feelings and emotions (I mean where was that when Sam was on demon blood? but hey that's in the past.) Would it kill the writers to show Sam's POV once? I know what he says about the MOC but I want to see how he feels about it.

And was I the only one holding out hope to see a little!Sam? I mean if Sam had to be saved seeing an itty bitty Sam would be logical right?

I stopped writing reviews a long time ago too. They felt too much like a chore rather than fun to me.


ash48 February 5 2015, 13:34:48 UTC
Would it kill the writers to show Sam's POV once?

I actually think it would. They've avoided it for nearly 3 years now so yep, I reckon they must feel they'd DIE if they actually gave us a moment of Sam ;D).

Dean's storyline of MOC we are getting episode after episode of Sam being supportive and showing Dean's feelings and emotions

I love supportive Sam but that's ALL he's done so far. I think he's told Dean "you can beat this" in the last 3 episodes. I feel like shouting…we know!

And was I the only one holding out hope to see a little!Sam?

OMG! How awesome that would have been?! Surprise wee!Sam. Young Dean and Sam together would have been all sorts of fun? But I was spoiled for that NOT happening so I didn't expect it. I did think Sam would have more to do, but I seriously have to resign myself to the fact that until Sam does something "bad" to (try) and save Dean, he's just gonna do nothing (speculation, but I think that's where it's heading. Full circle).

They felt too much like a chore rather than fun to me.I ( ... )


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