Experimental vidding...

Dec 21, 2014 20:45

*waves* I feel like I haven't been around much. It's such a busy time of year. School is out and I now have a wonderful 5 weeks of holidays ahead of me. Yay. I've been eyeing off the spnspiration bingo cards and decided to grab on in the hope it might help me experiment a little in my vidding next year. Absolutely no idea how this will work, but I'm ( Read more... )

vidding, pimp, bingo

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Comments 18

milly_gal December 22 2014, 09:08:58 UTC
Good luck sweetpea!


ash48 December 22 2014, 10:32:52 UTC
Thanks! I'm gonna neeeeeeed it! :)


milly_gal December 22 2014, 19:38:43 UTC
Any and all cheerleading needed, you know where I am!


el1ie December 22 2014, 14:34:36 UTC
WOW! This is really ambitious and hopefully inspiring as some of those squares would need a real sideways approach. Good luck to you, looking forward to seeing how you interpret prompts like this. Go you!
... )


ash48 December 23 2014, 14:38:49 UTC
Thanks hun! I'm not sure how I'll go with these but already they've been a little inspirational. Just started a new vid and "whitespace" seems to have helped me get started. :) NO idea how the rest will go...


maichan December 23 2014, 18:49:56 UTC
Ooooohhhh! I am excited to see what you come up with.


ash48 December 28 2014, 13:00:14 UTC
Hey honey! I gotta say I am too. I hoped it might help me out of my "oh, I'll vid that because it's easy-(isn)" funk. Tho…I can't guarantee it...


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