Cinematography 10.09 (The Things We Left Behind)

Dec 15, 2014 22:34

I was going to post a couple of my favourite shots from the episode and as I was looking for the screen caps I noticed a visual theme running through the episode. I've always like Guy Bee's visual story telling. He made some wonderful choices in the way he framed his shots and used a recurring visual element.

Behind Bars )

meta, s10 musings, cinematography

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Comments 41

pocochina December 15 2014, 21:54:37 UTC
Oh, this is cool! All of it went right over my head when I watched the episode, so thanks for pulling it together.


ash48 December 16 2014, 08:28:22 UTC
I'm glad you liked! :)


amypond45 December 15 2014, 22:51:15 UTC
I love this -- thank you for pointing out all the bars and the prison theme. I'm particularly fascinated by the chaotic pattern of the shadowed "bars" in Hell's prison cell, maybe suggesting how chaos and lack of order are the reigning principles in Hell, although Crowley does seem to run a tight ship! :)


ash48 December 16 2014, 10:52:16 UTC
Oooh, great interpretation. And damn it! "chaotic" is the word I was looking for. I keep trying to think of that word and it never came to me. Chaotic is exactly the way it looks and I love that it could symbolise the lack of order in hell. :)


ex1led_nyer December 16 2014, 01:18:46 UTC
I'm more verbally cognizant than visually so, so I love you pointing out these elements. Thanks for taking the time to do this! It gives me a whole new way to see the episode.


ash48 December 16 2014, 10:53:51 UTC
My pleasure. I really enjoying doing this stuff and I love it when they give us great visual themes to explore. :)


runedgirl December 16 2014, 01:29:05 UTC
Ooooooh, I love when you notice themes like this and bring them to my attention (since I never notice them myself, except perhaps subconsciously) :)


ash48 December 16 2014, 10:55:15 UTC
I confess to not seeing them myself to start with. It's only when I went searching for a couple of moments that I noticed when watching the ep that I saw the pattern. I love it when they give us this stuff. :)


borgmama1of5 December 16 2014, 03:51:13 UTC
Love when you point out the visual stuff I miss!


ash48 December 16 2014, 10:55:32 UTC
Glad you like it! :))


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