
Oct 24, 2014 23:37

I really have the urge to read fic where Sam returns with Dean's food, he gets drunk and then we get ALL the feels between the two of them. We're unlikely to get that in the show (especially the wincest-y version I imagine), so I think I need to read it! (if anyone has any recs OR wants to write one *hint* I'm just here waiting ( Read more... )

s10 musings, recs, vid rec

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Comments 46

milly_gal October 24 2014, 15:44:13 UTC
AGREED on your wish, lol.

The tumblr post O_O!!!!!

And that vid just floors me, she is uber awesome! *Re-watches for like the millionth time!*

I think Sammy didn't use his own blood a) because he still has demon blood running through him, purified by confession for the demon trials or not, and b) maybe he wondered if it would start the trials up again?!?


ash48 October 25 2014, 04:44:24 UTC
So glad you enjoyed the vid! Such a great look at demon!Dean. :)

I think those are all plausible reason. I doubt they thought about that too hard but doesn't mean we can't come up with some ideas. Someone might ask him at the con this weekend. Maybe (after all the usual pranking questions...)


milly_gal October 25 2014, 10:22:08 UTC
No, I don't imagine they put much effort into the thoughts behind the why, but I know the guys do, they like their back story and I think Jared probably has tried to weigh the options behind Sammy's choices for the episode. I hope he lets on about them at the con :)


amberdreams October 24 2014, 15:55:24 UTC
Oh boy. I hadn't seen all the kerfuffle about John's blood and Dean's blood and who's the baby daddy... ohhhhhkay.

I'm sure that was a Shining shout-out too, I'm surprised they didn't go there, especially given Dean's penchant for movie quoting.

Tears hair out over Sam being a meanie/Dean being a meanie. Oh sweet Lord of the Rings.


quickreaver October 24 2014, 18:03:38 UTC
I don't think they went for The Shining refs because it was just too on-the-nose. Not that Show hasn't hit us with a bazillion anvils before...but that's my thinking. ;)


ash48 October 25 2014, 04:47:06 UTC
True - it would have been too much. If I have the time I'll have to make a gif of it though. Just for fun. :)


ash48 October 25 2014, 04:46:09 UTC
The blood kerfuffle is awesome! It makes me wonder if that person is kind of new to the show and doesn't realise that mistakes often happen. They are never subtle about these things if it's a plot point.

There are no meanies! Or they are both meanies! Or maybe we are the meanies!


citrusjava October 24 2014, 16:09:58 UTC
I need that fic. I want it now. Yes, please. I've read people talking about this fic. I need not one, but maybe tens of people to write this. Now.

s for John's blood type - yeah, those are the people who sent Dean riding a farty donkey through the Grand Canyon - so no. But I LOVE, lovelove that fandom did this, that people noticed it, and regardless of authors' intent that is very very cool, interesting!


ash48 October 25 2014, 04:50:48 UTC
There's gotta be fic!

I think the theory is very cool. I love how we can take a mistake and make it a whole new direction. :)


cassiopeia7 October 24 2014, 18:06:25 UTC
He saved Sam for sure. He restrained Dean so Sam could finish the cure. Team work at the end). I also believe Dean's "thank you" to Cas at the end was for stopping him in time to not kill Sam. It wasn't for curing him.

OMG, THIS. There was some teamwork, yes, but Castiel saved Sam's bacon, not Dean. Sam's still the one who did all the work and took all the risks. And yes, Dean was thanking Castiel for saving Sam. Please tell me people aren't actually giving Cas all the credit for this?

ETA: Just saw the Tumblr post on blood. I don't recall show ever mentioning John's blood type. (It's possible that the writers were trying to imply that Sam went after universal-donor blood, but they got it wrong -- it's actually O-negative that's the universal donor.)

Or am I giving the writers too much credit . . . again? ;)


quickreaver October 24 2014, 18:45:48 UTC
John's blood type was on his dog tags, umpteen episodes ago. I had to look it up too. It is, indeed, AB! I suspect Sam's line about "getting Dean's type" was just a throw-away that wasn't intended to mean anything. Sam grabbed O-neg, right? At the hospital? *too lazy to double-check that*


cassiopeia7 October 24 2014, 20:18:16 UTC
Good catch on the dog-tags! \o/

Sam grabbed O-neg, right?

Looks like just regular O. (You can make out the "+" on the B bags just above, but there's nothing on the Os . . . .

... )


ephermeralk October 24 2014, 22:03:48 UTC
I'm sorry. That is too hilarious to pass up.

Blood type. "O" TAKE YOUR CHANCES WHETHER IT IS + or -!!!

bahahah. But really? Who cares about a + or - when you're trying to infuse blood IM, in a spot without hardly any muscle tissue!


pocochina October 24 2014, 18:31:09 UTC
even with my most open mind I can't buy that. He saved Sam for sure. He restrained Dean so Sam could finish the cure. Team work at the end

aaaaah, I loved this so much! I mean, BE STILL MY SASSY-LOVING HEART, but I also think it was good for reasons going forward? Sam having been able to count on Cas to protect him from Dean is potentially a really big shift in all those group dynamics. I think those first impressions, where Cas had imprinted on Dean as his charge and had been indoctrinated to be repulsed by Sam, continued to distort their interactions even as Cas developed genuine affection for them both. Cas quite decisively siding with Sam here, even knowing that Dean would be okay with it in short order, is a good sign ( ... )


ash48 October 25 2014, 05:03:43 UTC
Yes! To see that complete turn around from where Cas and Sam started off. I'm loving this development. There's no sense that Cas is siding with one over the other. In fact, he seems very much to have both of their welfares in mind. He was also prepared to let Dean die if he had too - not willingly, but he was warning Sam. Much like he kept warning Dean about putting Sam's soul back. He's pragmatic, but also caring. It's a shade of Cas I like ( ... )


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