Spoilers! Sort of...

May 19, 2014 09:13

So I'm home sick today. Well, more like I'm just poorly with a cold. I'm snuggled up in bed with hot tea and my computer and I suddenly had the urge to play "speculation ( Read more... )

speculation, spoilers, supernatural

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Comments 76

winsangel May 19 2014, 01:17:48 UTC
I'll accept nothing less than "I love you" between the boys in the last scene to make up for all the crap we've endured for the last two seasons.

My wishful thinking knows no bounds!

Hope you're feeling better, hon. <3


ash48 May 19 2014, 01:31:33 UTC
Actually an "I love you" would be pretty "shocking" with the way things are at the moment. Though those words never come out of their mouths - but we know it's pretty much behind everything they do and say to each other. Even when they're cruel - it's usually the reason they are cruel. So messed up.

I will accept pretty much anything as long as Sam is somehow involved (and is not made to apologise for saying what he did and is seen to be at least trying to save Dean). Or, if there is an apology, boy it's going to have to be handled properly. All the brother feels will at least help get over much of what's happened between them this season.

And thanks! A day in bed, curled up with some fic, might just be what's needed *g*


winsangel May 19 2014, 01:50:03 UTC
I really hope Sam's not apologizing for anything. I'd rather see him talking Dean off a ledge, trying to convince him to not go over like he himself did with Ruby. Let us hear Sam speak! *yells at Carver ( ... )


stormcloude May 19 2014, 01:28:28 UTC
Eh, I think Dean's going to turn into a demon. If they play it as him being the "big bad" even for a few episodes I could see how they'd call it a game changer. I mean they tried to sell Sam being possessed by an angel as something "never before seen on TV!!ELEVENTY!111"


ash48 May 19 2014, 01:37:36 UTC
Yeah. Demon!Dean makes some sense. Not exactly shocking - but if he does something horrid then it could very well be disturbing. I found some of last episode MoC!Dean disturbing, so it's not a far stretch. Though wow - pretty hard to take - especially if he does something that's hard to redeem (killing a child for example). If he kills Sam, it will be pretty heart wrenching - but not exactly irredeemable. I think? Though that won't do much for them building bridges in their relationship.

I think the "never seen before" is probably just referring to never seen on SPN. Though we've kind of seen demon!dean before (though maybe not fully).

i rather like the idea actually.


stormcloude May 19 2014, 01:43:12 UTC
Well, the brothers have never been on opposite sides before at the end of a season. Neither has ever been a demon before either. But I don't seem them killing Sam, otherwise who is going to "save" Dean? Sam might have to "kill" Dean though, if he can't stop him any other way.

(And they were trying to sell Sam's possession by Gadreel as never before seen on TV. I remember that specifically in a Singer interview.)


ash48 May 19 2014, 01:48:45 UTC
I was just pondering that below. Because even if Sam kills Dean (which is what I've always imagined will have to happen) the opening of S10 will be much the same as the opening of S9. Dean needing to be brought back somehow. And man, I don't think I could go through a repeat of the beginning of S8 with Sam doing nothing to find Dean. Might be the very last straw.

Hmmm, I'm hoping its something none of us have even imagined (which I find hard to believe actually...*g*)


brightly_lit May 19 2014, 01:38:01 UTC
I've had the same thoughts, to the point that I finally went and tried to look up spoilers for the ep (with no luck). I think you're right that one of them will probably kill the other (and I'm pretty sure it'll be Sam killing Dean), but like you say, they've died a million times ... although I guess it was never one brother killing the other, so that might be what all the fuss is about. I'm just hoping they do it right and that it's not, you know, lame and *yawn*, been there done that.


ash48 May 19 2014, 01:44:42 UTC
True. They've often skirted around the idea of one killing the other. Especially John's "you have to kill Sam or save him". And then episodes when they've turned on each other (Sex and Violence) and then of course the whole Michael and Lucifer storyline. So it makes some sense that it could come to a head with that very action.

I was convinced that Sam would kill Dean, but when I think about it I just don't know where that would leave things for next season. Other than being back to where they started in S9. And if Dean is still possessed by the blade then he's hardly likely to try and save Sam this time. Hmmmm...hard to know.

But yes. Please don't be lame! I assume Carver is writing this one, so it really shouldn't be lame.


kazluvsbooks May 19 2014, 02:26:40 UTC
Feel better soon,sweetheart!! Look after yourself.

Yeah, i am going with Sam possibly killing Dean and Dean turning even darker, which sounds like a really interesting start to Season 10.

The S8 finale was AMAZING so hopefully this one will be as epic.

I love how excited the cast still is..it makes me excited too!!


ash48 May 19 2014, 02:45:59 UTC
Thanks! :)

Dean being really really dark at the beginning of S10 could be interesting. Though, not sure how long they could sustain that. They's need to resolve it pretty quickly as mostly SPN is MoTW episodes with the brothers working a case together.

S8 finale was epic and I loved it. I'm hoping for something equally epic (as long as it's got lots of good brother feels I'll be ok!).



ayane42 May 19 2014, 02:37:04 UTC
I saw a post on tumblr that said:

You can practically smell the fear and anxiety coming off the Supernatural fandom right now.

and for me this really rang true. i am afraid that the finale is going to suck, but there's the anxiety that they are actually going to really do something we've never seen before.

like ya'll said, Cain/Abel, Dean kills Sam, ok, we've never seen Dean kill Sam, but they've both died plenty of times. We've seen heaven, purgatory and a little bit of hell, but more like Dean and Sam's memories of hell.

Demon!Dean? ehhh, i don't know about not having seen that.

the most shocking thing i think would be some how Metatron or Crowley did something with the tablets (remember those?) and they bring Hell to Earth.

or even better it is a dream and season 8 and 9 never happened. heh. ok, you can tell i'm really irked about these seasons, even though the whole trial!Sam was incredible and the final ep last year with the angels falling, i still get goose bumps watching that episode.

i know i can't wait!


ash48 May 19 2014, 02:51:12 UTC
Hmmm... I did ponder hell of Earth - and maybe Dean being being by Crowley's side. Though I felt like we had a bit of hell on earth when Lucifer was running around. I think that was the idea of the approaching apocalypse. Though, I agree the tablets could still play a large part.

I mean, there's also the angels that need to get back to heaven, Metratron confront ion (maybe with Cas), not sure what role Cas will play in all this - maybe along side Sam in dying to save Dean. I figure he's got the biggest beef with Metatron so Cas might be the one to kill him. There's also Gadreel and the lost souls in the veil. SO much to tie up in 42 minutes.

omg, let alone all the brother issues.

I can't wait for it all to be over so we finally KNOW! :)


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