9.22 reaction (And I mean reaction - not a review).

May 14, 2014 21:07

Please don't enter if you don't want to read ranting, swearing, sarcasm, wank inducing comments and general lack of positiveness ( Read more... )

rant, s9 reaction

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Comments 124

manzanita_crow May 14 2014, 13:25:46 UTC
So glad you did the rant for me. I've been furious for so long I got hit by utter apathy this time


ash48 May 14 2014, 13:34:59 UTC
I want to feel apathy. I really do. I don't WANT to care. I'm actually hoping that that will happen and I won't even care about not caring any more. I suspect feeling pissed off mean I still care a lot. :(


manzanita_crow May 14 2014, 13:39:49 UTC
I spent most of the first half of S9 being apathetic. Then suddenly had a total tantrum and threw my toys out of the pram :D Entirely possible I'll do it again.


growyourwings May 14 2014, 16:11:48 UTC
Yeah apathy is also where I'm starting to find myself. Which is so sad.


lyryk May 14 2014, 13:29:27 UTC
I am now totally used to tuning out completely and doing stuff on my second monitor as soon as the angels come on. Really, really hope they don't throw the next season away on angels and demons again. There's pretty much zero hope that S9 can be salvaged, even if the finale is spectacular; there are like three episodes in the entire season that I'd maybe want to rewatch.

At least Sam and Dean and Tessa all looked really really pretty?



ash48 May 14 2014, 13:55:15 UTC
I'd have to look back and see what episodes I liked. I know there are a few (mostly the good old fashioned MoTW ones) and ones that looked like they might have actually been going somewhere. But this one pretty much cemented the fact that they really aren't going anywhere interesting. Oh sure, Dean will feel compelled to kill Sam (or Sam will have to kill Dean), but we know that won't lead any where so...yeah...)

At least Sam and Dean and Tessa all looked really really pretty?

They didi! Tessa looked great!! Sam was HOT HOT laying in bed with the gun under his pillow and Dean was HOT HOT being all mean and threatening.

Dammit! I need to watch for the HOT not the PLOT! I must remember that! :DDDD


(Thanks, that made me smile. I did in fact like some of it. My rage has darkened the good bits...;D)


lyryk May 14 2014, 14:32:45 UTC
THEY HAVE FACES. Who needs plot and characterisation and all those other pesky things. Sam was gorgeous in bed.

Also, give me an LotR reference and I'm happy. :-D

There were good bits, I think. :-D If only in comparison with everything else so far.


ash48 May 14 2014, 14:35:31 UTC
There WERE some good bits. I loved the pop culture references and Sam knowing "because 7,8,9". Some bits were entertaining for sure. And pretty! :))


tebtosca May 14 2014, 13:43:03 UTC
Didn't watch the episode, don't have any plans to ever watch the episode, and have finally quit this show! Ash, my sweet darling girl, it's so liberating over here on the FUCK THIS GODDAMN SHITTY SHOW side! Come dance with me!

*dances around the burning corpse of Jeremy Carver's AU version of Supernatural*

/now off to write a crackfic coda to the show as a whole, because that's how I do


ash48 May 14 2014, 14:02:44 UTC
HAHA! I bet it is liberating! Why am I hanging on for dear life?! I can still do fandom can't I? Just 'cause show is horrid at the moment doesn't mean I can't still hang around (I'm not sure why I put the two together. I figure if I don't watch the show I can't do fandom stuff...)

*dances around the burning corpse of Jeremy Carver's AU version of Supernatural*


/now off to write a crackfic coda to the show as a whole, because that's how I do

YAY! I need to make a crack!vid coda or something. Or maybe I'll just drool over the pretty on tumblr and forget that there's even an attempt to have plot on this stupid show.

(Of course, I'll be back next week to watch the finale. I am sure I will be singing the shows praises because in one episode it will all come together and make sense and be amazing. I just know it will. It will).



tebtosca May 14 2014, 14:07:42 UTC
I am sure I will be singing the shows praises because in one episode it will all come together and make sense and be amazing.

Nope, and you know why? Because they tried that shit at the end of last season and then ruined it within 15 minutes of this season. Once you accept that Carver and his team of writers are too lazy, dumb, and/or bored with one of the two lead characters, then it'll be easier for you to quit. Jared needs the money to buy his mansions, but you aren't getting anything out of it lol.


quickreaver May 14 2014, 14:11:27 UTC
Jared needs the money to buy his mansions, but you aren't getting anything out of it lol.

Ouch! ;)


fourtenpm May 14 2014, 13:49:17 UTC
Honey, but the show has never made sense……

Someone who hasn't watched since s9e19 or so.


ash48 May 14 2014, 14:11:18 UTC
haha! I'm glad you said from 9.19.... It WAS making some sense. Well, at least that I could see, But that? Threw all that sense out of the window.

It terrifies for what they are going to do next week...


quickreaver May 14 2014, 14:10:04 UTC
I can't disagree with a single syllable of this. But at least your sarcasm made me snicker this morning!

Since Carver took over, I haven't felt my heartstrings tug, even once, while watching the show. (Okay, maybe just a little, when Sam thinks of what Gadreel did to Kevin, but that's all Jared, not the writing.)

Now, fandom has written some stuff that has given me awesome feels! But Show itself? Nope. Nada. Nyet. I watch it very differently than I used to. Boo.


ash48 May 14 2014, 14:16:34 UTC
Hee...I needed the sarcasm to reign in language...:D

I have felt a few heart tugs, but looks like they were all for nought. It's weird - I've felt for not having Sam POV but I've also really felt for Dean's characterisation this season. Carver's been pretty horrid to both characters over the two years. It's just so sad.

Fandom is awesome! They make it all bearable. I will forever love the characters and I think they will forever inspire me - no matter how horrible Carver makes them.

(I feel like Sam in your gorgeous picture. Sitting there, contemplating our once gorgeous show...*sniff*)


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