Oh check this out!

May 13, 2014 18:08

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This is a fan made film. I love how it's shot and the sensitivity in which it's been made. Check out the details about the film on You Tube (after you've watched because it's spoilery for the film) - I love the reasons for making it. It filled my wee heart with warm fuzzies. And on second viewing I might just have had a tear in my eye. ( Read more... )

fan works, vid rec, supernatural

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Comments 11

amberdreams May 13 2014, 11:50:39 UTC
Weirdly, that had me in tears almost from the start. I haven't read the blurb on youtube yet, I'll have to look in a minute. I don't know how they managed such a complete story and so much emotion in only 3 minutes!


ash48 May 13 2014, 22:50:53 UTC
My first viewing I was being too sceptical I must admit and then as it progressed I was admiring the filming. On the second viewing I let it wash over me and I had a tear. They did a remarkable job to squeeze so much in in such a short time.


amberdreams May 14 2014, 07:21:30 UTC
I wasn't expecting to get hit in the emotions straight away (if at all) especially as I always have a problem getting past the fact that other people don't look much like Sam and Dean so I have a suspension of disbelief to get over... But clearly they did something right!


cassiopeia7 May 13 2014, 12:09:32 UTC
It didn't even take a second viewing to make me cry. This is just lovely. And massively moving -- and yes, beautifully shot, too. Thanks so much for sharing. ♥


ash48 May 13 2014, 22:52:41 UTC
It's wonderful isn't it? I love how it seems to capture the very essence of the brothers and the show in such a short time (and they even squeezed in a shot of Sam leaving).


marciaelena May 13 2014, 17:57:55 UTC
I started crying a few seconds into it on my first viewing. Incredibly moving and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing, bb. <3


ash48 May 13 2014, 22:53:39 UTC
My pleasure. I found it via missyjack on Twitter. I was a little sceptical at first, but it left me very impressed.


bowtrunckle May 13 2014, 19:54:02 UTC
Oh, very nice. Wow. Thanks for sharing.


ash48 May 13 2014, 22:54:06 UTC
Pleasure :) fans do amazing things.


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 May 13 2014, 22:54:41 UTC
*wipes tear* I like the idea that God hadn't abandoned them after all. *sniff*


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