Teen Wolf

Jan 28, 2014 23:30

Yes! I have Teen Wolf in the subject and not Supernatural because..dammit Teen Wolf ( Read more... )

teen wolf, supernatural, tv

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Comments 28

tebtosca January 28 2014, 15:19:30 UTC
I don't watch Teen Wolf, so literally the only thing I have to say here is that there needs to be a penis going into the mouth of that poor twink in your icon


ash48 January 29 2014, 15:10:53 UTC
HA!! There are lots of TW fans who would agree with you!


maichan January 31 2014, 01:27:29 UTC


sorchasilver January 28 2014, 17:10:06 UTC
Welcome aboard! Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about myth arcs and timelines and silly things like plot, since Jeff rarely does. Teen Wolf is the fandom that actually made me "get" Tumblr, it's a great fandom for the pretty pics and gifs and AUs.

As far as shipping Sterek goes, it's not that uncommon on the show for them not to have much screen-time together, so it really doesn't bother me one way or another. Maybe it's just my thing for delayed gratification!

I am definitely liking this season more than last (3B over 3A, stupid fucking labelling system WHY!?!?!), and am actually ENJOYING watching the show! Which really just makes me wonder what Jeff has in store for us...


ash48 January 29 2014, 15:13:04 UTC
Hi. Thank you! I rather love that everyone agrees that there is very little plot! ha.

Maybe it's just my thing for delayed gratification!

It's one of the few shows that I feel like the might, one day, honour that ship. Maybe. ;)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 January 29 2014, 15:13:44 UTC
*high five* me shallow too…:))


amnisias January 28 2014, 20:43:22 UTC
Funnily enough, with Teen Wolf I have no particular desire to know what exactely is going on. It looks pretty, has feels all over the place, and did I say pretty? I feel rather proud if I can recall the major plot poins from the previous episode, beyond that it's all a bit of a blur.

I love all the various kid/parent relationships, but Stiles/Dad and Scott/Mum are the best. Her trying to manage to teen wolves in the house is so cool. Just pack it in, you two! I'm also rather fond of Scott/Isaac if it comes to slashing non-canon relationships, much more than I could ever see Stiles/Derek. And, as you said, Stiles and Scott make a great non-slashy duo. No dramas, but they always (try) to have each other's backs.

The stump, I think, is a Mountain Ash, and as such has mystical power and was where the Darach re-fuelled (or something).


ash48 January 30 2014, 09:14:11 UTC
Definitely pretty!!!

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't recall the plot points. The Darach story line was totally confusing. And now we have a glowing girl and a tree stuff of fireflys - or something.

I ADORE the parents of the kids in this! For the most part I love all the different relationships. Mostly, they just get on without it being toooo focused on the emotions. I like a bit of that, but I also like the action, adventure and pretty!


casey28 January 29 2014, 03:44:01 UTC
I have a hard time following it, too. I've seen the first two seasons, and enjoyed it, but I haven't kept up with the new eps.


ash48 January 30 2014, 09:14:51 UTC
I've really enjoyed the recent eps. Much more than I did the earlier ones. Not exactly sure why though…


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