Parting Shots (Part Two) - gif spam and a little thinky...

Aug 12, 2013 20:52

After posting Sam's Parting Shots recently, cordelia_gray requested one for Dean. I had been pondering doing one for Dean and that was just the push I needed. :)

1.01 Pilot

I love this little moment. Sam had said goodbye but Dean needed to say one last thing. And what a lovely thing it is. I've included this here because even though it's Sam who decides to stay I see it as a goodbye from Dean as well. Luckily for Sam (and us!) he returns not long after this moment.

3.11 Mystery Spot

Perhaps not truly a parting moment because it's been manipulated, but I wanted to include it because Dean's pleading look to Sam is so desperate and reaching. Dean may not remember this but I am sure Sam remembers it very clearly.

3.15 Time is On My Side

This isn't a moment when Dean decides to leave for good, he and Sam just have different agendas in this hunt and decide to separate. Dean always looks so reluctant when he leaves Sam, but he has a determination that can't be argued with. Dean leaves and Sam lands himself in trouble - it's a common theme when they separate (so stop separating!).

3.16 No Rest for the Wicked

Ack! Such a horrible way to die! Whaaaaa....Dean! :((

5.04 The End

So much love for this scene (this whole episode in fact). Dean has just made the decision to stay away from Sam even though Sam has asked to return. Such a difficult thing for him to do, but at this moment in time he believes it's for the best. *guh* his face...

5.17 99 Problems

Capturing the parting moment in this scene was hard because there's a series of moments as Dean makes his escape. Dean lies so smoothly to Sam - saying he's just getting something out of the car. It's only this little tiny flick of his eyes that suggest there's something more going on. Not enough for Sam to see, but enough for us to read his intention. And there's guilt there if I'm not mistaken.

5.17 99 Problems

I had to include this shot because I just love it. It's the Impala's POV - or maybe what Dean sees in his rear view mirror. I love the way this emphasises the growing distance between them.

6.01 Exile on Main Street

I included this in the last gifspam but I wanted to include it again here because it's actually Dean who makes the decision to stay. Even though Dean has made this decision you can see the inner emotions being played out.

7.03 The Girl Next Door

Sneaky, sneaky Dean. Dean lies so smoothly before leaving to kill Amy (Dean really is very good at lying to Sam even though he's stated he hates doing it). He does this little tiny look to Sam as he departs. Maybe making sure he's not following maybe? Maybe because he knows what he is about to do is going very much behind Sam's back.

8.23 The Sacrifice

I've included this one because I see this as a moment that Dean leaves Sam. Ok, so it wasn't going to be forever but it was at a time when I think Sam really needed him. He's reluctant and it's obvious that Cas isn't too happy about it either (they still left him though!).

Then there's also these...

3.22 No Rest for the Wicked

I included Dean reacting to Sam's death so I wanted to include one of Sam reacting to Dean's. I can't believe Sam's tears are spraying every where. :(((

6.12 Like a Virgin

This is another one of my favourite reunion moments. Sometimes when they have a reunion hug either one is a little bewildered (Sam after he died and Dean after he died a number of times in Mystery Spot), or one of them hiding something (soulless!Sam and Sam with Ruby). This one, I felt, was full of relief (or maybe that was just my reaction because finally we had Sam back!!). I'll leave my blab about the variety of reunion hugs for my (half completed) hug meta. :)

Note: I didn't include the one when Dean leaves Sam to go and help Benny in season 8 (Blood Brother). This is because I couldn't find a good giffable moment. It's an important moment though, as Dean makes a definite decision to leave Sam because he doesn't want him to find out about Benny.

In comparing parting shots I think Sam leaves due to needing to do things away from Dean whereas Dean leaves to do things despite of Sam. Sam seems to seek that independence (looking for John, answers about himself, time to cool down) whereas Dean leaves because he has to do something he doesn't want Sam to know about. Or he decides staying apart is the best course of action. Either way, separating never works out so they really should just accept that they have to be together. Forever! :))

gifspam, thinky, supernatural

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