I'm curious...

Jun 07, 2013 10:52

Something that has been on my mind for a while (hee...for a good reason I have to add) is how do fans generally feel about their work being used in other fans work ( Read more... )

fan works, question, vidding, otw

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Comments 47

maichan June 7 2013, 08:52:38 UTC
I personally ask permission before using another fanwork, even if only as inspiration for a new work (i.e. a fanfic inspiring fanart). But I know that I'm in the minority here, and most often work is used without permission. If you're lucky, you're given credit and informed of the usage after the fact even if your approval isn't sought beforehand.

I do think fanart is a slightly different scenario than fanvids. And there have been a couple recent incidences of slash fanart being used on talk shows and documentaries without permission. And the art is featured in a way that is not necessarily flattering, which I definitely do not agree with.


counteragent June 7 2013, 13:12:35 UTC
I totally agree that using fanart without credit in "news" shows is offensive. I about had a hernia when those videos (was it PBS or what, I can't remember) surfaced that used women's work to support a general claim that fanartist were brilliant...and then only profiled guys!!! WT actual FUCK.


ash48 June 8 2013, 10:14:16 UTC
It's my aim to seek permission. In fact in this case I have - but I'm not sure what it means if that person doesn't get back to you. Is it enough that you tried? I'm hoping so.

And the art is featured in a way that is not necessarily flattering, which I definitely do not agree with.

Yeah - this is concerning. In those cases I think it's used to poke fun at the fandom and the artist which is completely uncalled for. Though I suppose those are the dangers we all face when our work is posted. Professionals won't think twice about seeking permission I feel (probably a gross generalisation, but I feel like it could be true).


amberdreams June 7 2013, 08:53:37 UTC
I've had convention photos of mine turn up all over the place, including two of my photo ops with me cut out, but although an acknowledgement of the source would be nice and courteous, I know that a lot of the time it isn't easy to track down the origin once something is 'out there'. And I posted my pics knowing that it was highly likely this would happen ( ... )


ash48 June 8 2013, 10:19:26 UTC

I'm in a quandary about using con footage in a fanvid. I have recently dl'd a heap of footage and plan to use it in a vid. In some cases I have mentioned to the vidder that I would like to use it but in most cases I don't. I will credit "fans" at the end (like I did with my Jared vid). I didn't get into trouble for that one, so I still hope it's ok.

I've learned a thing or two about Tumblr recently and that is reposting is seriously frowned upon (taking someone's work without credit and putting it on your own tumblr) or reblogging it and removing the source. With a reblog the source is actually on the post so tracing it back is easy now. I think of reblogging as a way of reccing - as long as the source remains in tact it's all good.



stormcloude June 7 2013, 10:17:11 UTC
Some of my friend use the Creative Commons licenses to tell people if they can "reuse" their fanworks or not.


ash48 June 8 2013, 12:46:43 UTC
Yeah - this is a good way to go. :)


antrazi June 7 2013, 11:18:30 UTC
I have no problem with anybody using my fics in that manner, it's actually a very clear comment that they liked it. I just want to be informed about it and to be credited is nice as well. Of course for art it's often more complicated, it's often not clear who the actual artist was.
And yes, we don't ask permission from the copyright owner of what we use but normally we are actually aware of their wishes. Copyright owners who frown on such things are actually vocal about not wanting that (best case) to sueing wildly.

A good example for that (copy from the fanfiction.net posting guidelines)

FanFiction respects the expressed wishes of the following authors/publishers and will not archive entries based on their work ( ... )


ash48 June 8 2013, 12:48:12 UTC
Oh that list is interesting. I didn't know FF did that. That's good I suppose. It also means that all that work that IS on there, those writers have essentially given permission for it to be used.



antrazi June 8 2013, 13:18:08 UTC
Even if they didn't give permission directly they are at least not against it or don't care one way or the other. I at least can't imagine the copyright owners being angry about the fic with the Tetris piece being in love with a card from Solitaire (yes, that crossover actually exists).


ash48 June 8 2013, 13:21:42 UTC
*chuckles* Tetris piece being in love with a card from Solitaire. Oh my... :DD


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 June 8 2013, 13:16:59 UTC
Yes - screen caps are interesting aren't they? I suspect that's a totally thankless task. We love to use them but seldom credit them.

I gif I make popped up on a comm and my reaction was a little weird - first I thought - oh you pinched that, then I thought - that's cool you used my gif and then I realised I'd put it on Tumblr so it's essentially up for grabs.

My vids are sometimes put in places I don;t know about and I'm totally cool with that. So yeah - things are changing.

I think being asked or told is nice though. :))



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