New Vid: Time of Your Life

Aug 07, 2009 19:44

Title:: Time of Your Life
Vid by: Ash48
Music: Good Riddance** by Green Day
Category: Ensemble / Themed Montage
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 4
Length: 2.34m
Size 20.7mb
Summary: Tribute to the recurring characters who met their demise in Season 4.
Streaming: You Tube
Download: Send Space (.divx)
Download: 4Shared (.avi ( Read more... )


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Comments 41

from_the_corner August 7 2009, 21:53:19 UTC
I really, really liked it. You've chosen some great (and memorable!) scenes and I loved the actual characters' lines.
Great job!


ash48 August 8 2009, 00:32:36 UTC
Oh thanks so much hun! I'm glad you liked it. It's funny when you first mentioned the song that I thought there's no way a song called "Good Riddance" could work. Glad I actually listen and realised which song it was. :D

Thanks again hun.


meg_tdj August 7 2009, 23:11:15 UTC
I commented on YouTube, but I had to say it again... I'm seriously crying here!!

I love that you included Adam, since he was a member of the boys' family even if they never truly met him. And ohhhhhh, Pamela... and my beloved Ruby! *sobs* You gave each of them a wonderful send-off. I loved it. Thank you so much for making it! :)



ash48 August 8 2009, 00:34:16 UTC
Yay Meg! Thanks so much hun.

Yeah - I just had to include Adam. He felt like he could have seriously been a part of their family. Shame it wasn't to be.

Thanks so much for leaving me wonderful comments! :D


july_july_july August 8 2009, 00:26:58 UTC
Gorgeous! I especially enjoyed the way you blended the audio in.


ash48 August 8 2009, 01:04:43 UTC
Thanks so very much. So glad the audio worked for you.... I'm never too sure when it comes to sound bytes.

Thanks. *hugs*


starrylizard August 8 2009, 00:51:45 UTC
Very cool! I'm still bummed they killed Pamela! *hugs*


ash48 August 8 2009, 01:02:57 UTC
Thanks darling!

And yes about Pamela. Ooooh and I just got an email from someone who showed this vid to the actress who played Pamela (Traci Dinwiddle) and apparently she loved it! Why does that make me want to dance around the house like a 12 year old!!

Sorry - had to squee somewhere..

Thanks so much for watching hun! :D :D


starrylizard August 8 2009, 07:02:29 UTC
*squee* \o/


deirdre_c August 8 2009, 01:48:51 UTC
So, so FANTASTIC! Seamless and smooth, I thought the transitions were EXCELLENT and the clip choices perfect. What an amazing tribute (esp. to Lilith, who I never realized we got to know as well as we did). You ROCK. *worships*


ash48 August 8 2009, 07:31:18 UTC
Dei!! Thanks darlin'. You say the most wonderful things! I'm glad you liked the transitions - it's not often the transitions give me so much jip. (it's usually the clips!)

Thanks again sweetie.


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