It can be done...;)

May 12, 2013 22:18

Well paint me impressed. A damn fine and civilized d/c discussion was had with absolutely no wank or tears. There were some awesome points made and everyone played nice. *cheers ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

ayane42 May 12 2013, 14:59:29 UTC
have a great visit!!!

i know that my family knows to not talk to me, open the door, make noise during the hour that Supernatural is on. only if a fire is creeping towards the bedroom should they bother me!! i'm sure you can sneak away to watch the finale!!!


ash48 May 13 2013, 12:49:14 UTC
Thank you!

My fam know how hooked I am on the show and I am sure they'll understand if I tell them I need a little bit of time to watch...;) I don't think they fully understand my obsession, but they humour me.



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ash48 May 13 2013, 12:50:37 UTC
Thanks sweetie!

They are pretty understanding. They are here for such a short time though so I know asking to sneak away might be tricky. Though if we have an early night I am sure I can get a watch in.




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ash48 May 13 2013, 13:25:29 UTC
I am SO nervous!! It might be good that I have to wait.... *bites nails*



starrylizard May 14 2013, 08:07:24 UTC
does d/c = dean/castiel?


ash48 May 14 2013, 08:33:32 UTC
Oh yes. Sorry, I've been immersed in this discussion and I ended up using short hand. Also - seems "destiel" isn't a favourite of everybody's.


starrylizard May 14 2013, 10:12:28 UTC
Name-smooshing is often seen as a teenager's game, though some of them do amuse me. :P


colls May 14 2013, 16:23:36 UTC
Damn fine discussion indeed, your flist continues to amaze me with being level-headed and wank-free.

*curls up in happy-SPN-fandom place and refuses to leave*


ash48 May 14 2013, 23:35:36 UTC
It was a fine discussion indeed.

And happy fandom places seem to be harder to find these days. :)


geckoholic May 14 2013, 18:16:10 UTC
You know why that discussion was so civil? It was because we mostly kept out of it even though we were the ones y'all were talking about (by 'we' I mean D/C shippers). It talked about us, not with us, and from skimming it I took it that almost none of the people in that discussion shipped D/C and that some even despise it as a ship. Doesn't change that it ~was civil and wank-free, but it's not the whole picture. ;)

Disclaimer of sorts: I actually don't think that D/C will ever become canon although I ship it like fed-ex. Just saying the results of said discussion may not have been all that scientific. ;)


ash48 May 15 2013, 00:12:26 UTC

I'm actually really sad to hear that. For two reasons. 1) That you feel d/c shippers wouldn't have been able to discuss that without it being wanky and 2) the feeling we were talking "about" them and not "with them".

Something I particularly liked was the differing levels of opinions - whether they be from d/c shippers or not. We did have d/c shippers join in the discussion and I felt their points were extremely strong and actually opened my eyes to the idea that, actually, this could be a possibility. I also read articles on it on some tumblr posts and actually feel like I have a pretty good (and positive) viewpoint on the arguments.

Also (and I believe why it didn't become a wank fest), we weren't discussing whether we want it to happen (even though people stated their preferences for that at times), it was more about how it could work, what it would mean for Supernatural and the evolution of the show. I've come away with a much broader insight into the very notion of fandom ships becoming canon. Mostly, that it's ( ... )


geckoholic May 15 2013, 06:32:08 UTC
First off, this 'you feel d/c shippers wouldn't have been able to discuss that without it being wanky' wasn't what I was trying to say. I, as a D/C shipper, didn't feel like I could've commented without ~attracting wank and inviting whiplash. Which, okay, might already have something to do with the fact that it's a discussion hosted by a non-shipper and on LJ. I did consider it anway, because I adore you ♥ and actually enjoy discussing stuff with you, but I read through a couple of threads and... Yeah. No. I'm not gonna go into detail and pick out any specific comments as examples, because it wasn't my intention to point fingers anywhere or sour the discussion as a whole for you ( ... )


ash48 May 16 2013, 00:29:58 UTC

didn't feel like I could've commented without ~attracting wank and inviting whiplash

I'm sorry to hear that, but I do understand. That's exactly what I was worried about too. In fact, each time a comment came in I was thinking..."this'll be the one". But it never was. Sure, some could have incited some wank, but I was pleased that people either let it go or replied respectfully. It's a shame that some shippers felt like the couldn't comment without it causing wank or have a backlash. I would suggest that would simply come down to how they presented their points. If they went in aggressive and confrontational then yeah I would say that would cause wank, if they, as the d/c shippers we did have comment, come in willing to discuss and present interesting arguments then I would like to think it wouldn't ( ... )


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