Finally had a chance to watch 8.08 :))

Dec 01, 2012 17:58

Wow, what a mess.

And I don't mean that in a negative way. ;D

Let us be messes together. )

s8 reaction, s8 musings, not!meta

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Comments 48

maenad December 1 2012, 13:52:50 UTC
This show isn't made for the casual viewer is it? (Why I even consider that I don't know...)

Ha! It always amuses me when they do extended 'previouslys'. So there are demons! And angels! And then the world nearly ended! And then it nearly ended again! And Sam and Dean have issues! But then they resolved them! But then more issues! Then death! Then alive again! Then dead again!

I suspect they just make potential new viewers dizzy. :)

It's a brilliant moment and I do ponder the significance. I can't tell if this is a deliberate indication that his flashbacks are in his head and never really happened (Lucifer or "other" induced maybe?) or if it's a brilliantly subtle gesture that shows how Sam is feeling at this moment.I hadn't seriously considered the idea that Sam's time with Amelia was a hallucination until this one. As it stands - I don't know. Amelia seems real enough, but that could be a question of perception; Lucifer-as-Dean initially seemed real enough. The character parallels are uncanny, but that is the way character ( ... )


growyourwings December 1 2012, 16:50:57 UTC
*butts in*

I have to say that this,

"Ha! It always amuses me when they do extended 'previouslys'. So there are demons! And angels! And then the world nearly ended! And then it nearly ended again! And Sam and Dean have issues! But then they resolved them! But then more issues! Then death! Then alive again! Then dead again!"

Is kinda a lol'ly, brilliant way of describing this show in a short paragraph. You win!

Also, thank you for this as well,

"The story about burned-out hunters/tragic war veterans practically begged for a MASH character. Granted, the whole 'My PTSD is reaching epic proportions because the Korean War is in some kind of time loop and I should have been discharged seven years ago!' thing was more Hawkeye's issue, but I hate to think what Alan Alda costs these days. "

I had similar thoughts about the comparison between Sam & Dean's PTSD and Hawkeye's and BJ's (and the other MASHer's) PTSD. And wouldn't it have been cool if they could have somehow had both Alan and Mike somehow in this ep?


galwithglasses December 2 2012, 05:02:20 UTC
I have to butt in too because when I saw BJ I was reminded of one specifc MASH episode. Wasn't the last MASH episode around Hawkeye's PTSD when a woman killed her child so crying wouldn't give them away to the enemy? He spent the first part of the episode insisting to himself that it was a chicken. Sometimes your brain lets you see what you can handle. How much of what we see in Sam's flashbacks are things that really happened? Dean's remembering of his exit out of Purgatory was a bit different from what really happened too.


ash48 December 1 2012, 23:42:33 UTC
It always amuses me when they do extended 'previouslys'. So there are demons! And angels! And then the world nearly ended! And then it nearly ended again! And Sam and Dean have issues! But then they resolved them! But then more issues! Then death! Then alive again! Then dead again!

Bwaaahahhaaaa! :D There are times when I mention my show to someone and they ask what it's about or what's been happening. I usually end up looking blank because I just don't know where to start.

And I like that we do seem to finally be edging towards some genuine conflict and drama in his story - maybe even some answers!

Yes! God, hope I long for some answers on this one. I am torn between thinking there's going to be some massive reveal (hallucinations or Sam somehow being somehow stopped from looking for Dean would come into that) or that it really is just Sam creating a "normal" life for himself as a way of escaping - well, everything. Either way I'm hoping for a lot more yet.

I admit I get a bit twitchy about Castiel's continued inability to ( ... )


maaldas December 1 2012, 13:57:29 UTC
First, I am very sorry for ranting Ash48 ( ... )


maaldas December 1 2012, 13:59:58 UTC
Also in episode one Dean said "Hey the rule is simple. Don't take a joint from a guy named Don and no dogs in the car!"

That's supposed to be Dean's life rules kinda things, meaning Sam must have heard that many times during their growing up. Now that Don has returned and Sam has taken a 'joint/wife' from him he should have remembered Dean's rule. What's that said about foreshadowing?

Sorry again Ash48. I hope you don't get peeved with my comment on your post. I'll delete it if it bothers you. It's good that these FBs work for you. To me they are not. Unless Carver hid a knife behind his back, I'd love to get stabbed and twisted by it. :D


ash48 December 2 2012, 00:11:36 UTC
Wow - I had forgotten that quote. That's kinda freaky actually and...yeah...foreshadowing. See, I get really excited by that's one of those things that I would have loved them to have included because of Amelia's Don....


Hee... And it's cool. It's helped me tease out come of my thinking a bit more. I certainly don't have the answers but it's fun thrashing it all out.



spnmonster December 1 2012, 14:46:47 UTC
Sorry for cutting in, but you have a good point about Sam's speech that he wants to return to normal when the hunt is over. I have a problem with that too. My only explanation is that he was still on the fence about it all. He was still in running mode to a certain extent. Sam ran because he lost Dean, and he knows that it almost inevitable if they keep hunting together that one of them is going to die. He almost self-destructed this time. If he watches his Dean die again, he won't be able to handle it. He will lose it completely. That's all I can think. I don't know that it is conscious or rational, but his coping mechanism now is to run and hide in another 'reality.'


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ash48 December 2 2012, 12:14:11 UTC
the situation and lifes of all three of them is as bizzare as reality in cartoons.

Agreed! I actually think they were playing with that idea a bit actually. Their lives are weird...

Oh and I would have loved to have read your thoughts. Hee...mine are a mess also! :))

(and I'm glad you liked the koala...*hugs* and happy birthday again. And double yay your son remembering...\o/


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 December 2 2012, 13:07:45 UTC

And yeah getting older sucks but at the same time I'm grateful for being healthy and happy so I don't complain (much!).



spnmonster December 1 2012, 14:38:50 UTC
Awesome review. I noticed too how large they made Sam look, so out of place, in the flashbacks. I don’t think it was coincidence that the actor they chose to play Amelia’s father was short. It just emphasized Sam’s size. I think you’re right that it was kind of a nightmare - Amelia isn’t some sweet ideal girl like Jess was, that spaghetti and hotdog concoction, ew, even Sam who didn’t grow up with a mom to cook for him looked askance at it, lol, and yes, the flashbacks made me so uncomfortable. It makes me wonder about the ppl saying that they want Sam and Amelia together because I have to wonder what they are getting out of these flashback scenes ( ... )


ash48 December 2 2012, 12:19:23 UTC
Thanks! :)

As much as really like what they have been doing with Sam and Amelia is certainly doesn't seem like a match made in heaven.

I wonder too if that isn’t his connection to Dean, you know?

Oh indeed. I think it's totally a connection - his stone number one. That's why it's so, so sad.

I am sure we are in for more blow ups - there's still a lot that hasn't been addressed. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they are going to do with it.

I'm glad the review made some sense! :DD


growyourwings December 1 2012, 16:37:12 UTC
Love your reviews and observations. Thank you for taking the time to share them ( ... )


ash48 December 2 2012, 12:40:05 UTC
Thanks hun. :))

I totally love that light fixture! It's a new one too - never used before. I adore stuff like that.

And I'm with you on the reaction. It was a little too all over the place for me to really love it. Some bits were great though - especially some of the one liners and the flashbacks.

And yeah - I don't see the flashbacks as an actual dream, but rather the notion of a "dream world". The fact that it was actually said confirmed that I think. Also I loved the reference to stuff being in Sam's head.

I have found myself wondering at the fact that all the (somewhat anvil-like) parallels show is making about Amelia losing Don and Sam losing Dean are being somewhat ignored by fandom.I think this is a really good point and why, ultimately, fans are going to be disappointed. They (including me to some extent) want Sam not looking to be so much more than him just having a melt down and escaping into his dreamworld. But I absolutely don't think the (romantic) parallels should be ignored. It's pretty huge that Sam ( ... )


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