
Nov 08, 2012 20:19

Consisting of incoherent squeeee because... DAMN!

Seriously! Swearing and incoherent babble ahead )

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Comments 52

novakev November 8 2012, 14:43:38 UTC
Yay, completely agree! I especially love this - "That episode felt like part of the whole Supernatural universe. It remembered past characters and story arcs. It tapped into the angst of the brothers, it used the MotW to explore their issues, it had a supporting character that had his own agenda but also provided levity. It was one for die hard watchers like me - the ones who live these PURE brother episodes."


ash48 November 8 2012, 15:41:40 UTC
Yay! Brother episodes for the win! \o/


mithborien November 8 2012, 14:54:07 UTC
As long as it's about their messed up co-dependence I'm cool.

YES! THIS EXACTLY! It's not Supernatural without a healthy dose of messed up co-dependency! Funnily enough that is totally the subject of my next SPN vid :)

But I really like that "remember" Bobby bit. We spend so much time wrapped up in Sam and Dean's head that it was a nice little reminder of the outside world.


ash48 November 8 2012, 15:43:38 UTC
Funnily enough that is totally the subject of my next SPN vid :)

Oh yay! I've been working on this wincesty vid also.. though it's more of the schmoopy variety. ;)

And yeah... so nice that they bring Bobby back as a "memory" and that he exists outside of Sam and Dean. :))


debbiel66 November 8 2012, 15:20:08 UTC
Peeking, just peeking, but again, was looking to see whether the episode was Ash-squee-worthy... ;)

(Loved last week's episode!)


ash48 November 8 2012, 15:29:09 UTC
OMG Deb.... so many friggin' feelings it ain't funny. It's very VERY hurty though - it's like ripping off a plaster and having to deal with all those festering owies. But it's also a relief that it's out in the open. LOVE IT!


borgmama1of5 November 8 2012, 15:28:09 UTC
Totally on board with you about Garth. Loved how he stood up to Dean during the researching scene (Bobby didn't just belong to him and Sam) and how Dean backed down.

What I really want is for Sam and Dean to have an honest conversation...I get that they are hurting, I get that neither one knows how to communicate...but honestly, after 8 years I would like to see some ability to own what they are feeling...


ash48 November 8 2012, 15:40:13 UTC
Yeah.. Garth is made of win. I love that he can see what the boys can't. :)

And (probably unfortunately or, er fortunately...) the boys just can't get that conversation happening. If they were actually able to have that conversation then there would be no where to go. I always come back to that. The fact that they can't have an honest conversation speaks volumes about them and who they are and what they mean to each other. They constantly protect each other and themselves. That honest conversation would mean Dean saying...I need you. I need you to worry about me and look for me. I need to matter to you. And Dean just can't say that. He doesn't want Sam to have to deal with that OR have to admit to himself that he wants that.

Ack! I sprouted all those things I didn't mention in the post. Their inability to actually say it as it is is part of the whole drama.


locknkey November 8 2012, 19:33:05 UTC
Ack! I sprouted all those things I didn't mention in the post. Their inability to actually say it as it is is part of the whole drama.

\o/ Exactly. I think they are so totally married this season (always) but there conflicts arise from their total inability to admit it and deal.


katsheswims November 8 2012, 16:13:27 UTC
Yay!! It WAS an awesome episode! I loved all the Sam and Dean moments! And I was so happy when Sam and then later Dean brought up past storylines!


ash48 November 9 2012, 04:37:55 UTC
Wasn't it just?! So much SamnDean stuff. It do love it when they refer to the past. I know we (as fans) remember all that stuff, but it's great when the writers do to.



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