OMG! It's here!! \o/

Aug 18, 2012 09:19


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jared, squee

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Comments 25

cherry916 August 18 2012, 10:19:35 UTC
I think both the band, and Jared did well showcasing the song. Basically being Human and having faults, which may be the smoking aspect! Because hey, he's only human ;)

I liked seeing him shave and pretty much get off the bed from moping and go after his girl (Gen!) I thought the ending was adorable, him with his bow tie and note cards telling Gen he's only human and very well may let her down again and Gen's watery smile. Perfect.


ash48 August 18 2012, 11:37:00 UTC
Yeah - I think the smoking thing was all about showcasing that he's only human. O also think it was about Jared not being Jared or Sam. It was enough of a statement to say this is a character - a different character to one I have played before.

The shaving and dressing was GUH!! He was sooooo cute....



cassiopeia7 August 18 2012, 10:49:18 UTC

I know that there was SO much more to comment upon, but . . . Jared shaving? Mmm-hmm!

Jared smoking . . . not so much.

Thanks for linking this!


ash48 August 18 2012, 12:00:57 UTC
Hee... Jared shaving...*thud*

the smoking thing is an interesting decision by the producers. I'm sure it hold significance - especially as we rarely see smoking in film or TV these days.

I was so excited to actually get to see it after all the talk about it.



amnisias August 18 2012, 12:21:49 UTC
embedding was disabled - could you post the link. I'm sure there's a way to get it from the embedded, but if it doesn't work with 'right-click' it's beyond my IT skills...*blush*


ash48 August 18 2012, 12:41:16 UTC
Done! It's added to the post.




amnisias August 18 2012, 12:52:03 UTC
Man, I didn't know you did 'home delivery' - pretty cool service! :)


yourlibrarian August 18 2012, 22:38:03 UTC
Heh, funny how much talk there is about the shaving. That was actually my takeaway too -- a 5 minute music video gave us what 7 seasons of SPN didn't.


ash48 August 20 2012, 07:33:12 UTC
Hee yes! We need more shaving on SPN! (and hair cutting...)



badbastion August 23 2012, 23:10:18 UTC
God this song and video are gorgeous. I mean, I know he's not Sam, but he's so NOT Sam that it's really interesting. Love him with the beard, love him shaving it off. I think I'm gonna have to buy the cd, or at least the song.


ash48 August 25 2012, 11:37:53 UTC
Yeah - I really like how unSam he is in this. The beard coming off was...yum!!


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