7.22 Review (with some pics)

May 12, 2012 18:56

That was satisfying. I felt like I had eaten well.

We're not in the emotionally fraught place we usually are by the penultimate episode, but I'm actually ok with that. I enjoyed the details, the pacing, the dialogue, the OCs and seeing a lot more of the boys. It followed on nicely from last week (though I wonder were Cas went - visiting his "wife" maybe?) and has obviously set things in place for next week. \o/

Counting the ways:

1. I like the way Dick makes my skin crawl. It will be nice to see him get his comeuppance. (Seriously! You cannot say that name without innuendo! As Show knows...)

2. How FABULOUS to see the Alpha!Vamp back. Rick Worthy has a commanding presence and I enjoyed every moment he was on the screen. I even loved seeing Crowley again. \o/

3. BOYS! Hello!!. Ok, so there weren't any major bro moments (well, maybe Dean calling out "Sam" when he got attacked and Sam getting all urgent and serious after Dean was attacked <33) but they just clicked so well in this episode, it was delightful to watch. Dean telling jokes to make Sam either smile or wince will never get old. I love it when he does that. They're working as a complete unit - listening to each to each other, back in sync. *happy sigh*

4. Kevin. Um... I think I might be developing a small crush. *blush* He was very brave to stand up to smarmy Dick. I really do hope they let his mom go. And I hope we get to see more of him in the future.

5. Yay! - the little twist with the food source being poisonous to other monsters. The Leviathans have really thought this through. A neat idea and a very handy weapon. I wonder if the boys will stock up on contaminated human blood. They could knock out a few bads with that.

6. Some great one liners. Hee! "See you next season". Talk about smashing the 4th wall. Very cool though - he could have been referring to the next "hunting" season of course - so it works either way. I love that we will be seeing the Alpha!Vamp again next season. :)

7. We knew Emily was up to no good yeah? *nods* I enjoyed the way she was played. (see below)

8. I'm really glad the boys were concerned about the young boy who was with the Alpha. I'm glad they got to rescue him. There was a discussion in my last review post about how we are seeing less of the boys being concerned about victims - particularly possessed humans. They showed real concern when he appeared. And they didn't want to leave the Alpha!Vamp alive so it was great to see that consistency with wanting to see all monsters dead. AND they got to do some rescuing.

9. Bobby! I have to say I am really liking the potential of dangerous spirit!Bobby. Dean looked genuinely scared for a moment. Not so much scared for himself, but scared seeing what Bobby was becoming. I know it would be awful, but to see Bobby turn on them would be interesting. I'm hoping it will be a dilemma they carry over for next season. They have a lot to do in the next episode so I hope they don't try to cram that in there also. Besides, I wouldn't mind some more ghost!Bobby.

10. Dean's still drinking I notice. I rather like that this hasn't gone away completely. I'm not sure if they plan to do anything with it, but I like that it's still there and becoming a consistent part of his character.

11. "I'm a warrior!" Ha!! I did rather adore Dean in this one. It's obvious that he's still carrying a lot of emotional baggage but he's getting on with it. He has to, so he does. I think Jensen's doing a great job of playing quietly troubled. I'm not sure where Sam is at at the moment. I read a fic recently exploring Sam's lack of needing anything at the moment. He's always been so driven - finding dad, finding Jessica's killer, getting Dean out of the deal, revenge for Dean's death, finding redemption, making amends for his mistakes etc. But what now? He seems to be "content" with just going along with it all. Hunting because it's there. I know they are both driven to get Bobby's killer and save the world, it just doesn't seem as urgent as it has done in he past. I'm not complaining about that. Surely they are burnt out by it all, but for them to not have an angsty agenda feels rather weird. I'll be curious to see what they have the boys emotionally deal with next season.

Ok. PICS! Because \o/

Motel room!! I love this room. The bedspreads and matching curtains are to die for. And I think there's something we MIGHT be able to read into this room. Seeing the bison, or buffalo, picture on the wall reminded me of the film Bless the Beasts and the Children. It's interesting to me that this episode dealt with the father of fallen "beasts". Might be tenuous but I'm sure thought has been put into that room design. Buffalo are said to symbolise struggles so maybe there was symbolism there. (anyone catch the name of the motel?? I have been told SE Hinton tweeted that it was called "The Buffalo Hump Motel". HA!!)

The awesome galwithglasses has been making fabulous observations about flowers in the show. It's amazing how many times flowers are used - they are scattered everywhere throughout the episodes and the seasons. They often signal danger and if you noticed Emily's dress we were given a mighty big clue that she wasn't all she seemed. I'm sure pink is equally untrustworthy.

Aside from every scene with Alpha!Vamp and Dick in it, this was one of my favourites. The look on the guy's face as he tried to follow their conversation. He was the centre of attention and we got a lovely outside POV of the boys. Yep they are damn hot and yep they are nuts! :DD

Hee. Dean has a new jacket. Similar to John's but not quite the same. (I'm sure meta could be dug up on that somehow...). He looked pretty damn special in it I have to say. GQ anyone?

ETA: JUST FOUND THIS... so AWESOME! This is most definitely a reference to the the Twilight Zone Episode To Serve Man. Aliens land and the scientists think the book is about how to serve (as in obey) man, instead it was a cookbook To Serve Man -as a food! OH SO COOL SHOW!!! (Brilliant TW episode btw). And look! A book called "Eric"! \o/

Overall, a rather tasty morsel going into the final episode. They just have to find the righteous bone now and kill Dick. Easy!! (Oh man...those two words shouldn't be in the same sentence....).


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