Hidden talent?

Mar 21, 2012 20:46

raloria posted this on her awesome spn_ontheset comm and it really made me wonder....

another Jared talent..? )

jared, question, j2

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Comments 23

authoressnebula March 21 2012, 12:56:20 UTC
I've always thought his fingers were perfect for playing the piano. As a pianist, I would LOVE to hear him play. There needs to be Sam fic where he plays the piano, dammit! I know Jensen can play, I'm sure he can play too. :)



ash48 March 21 2012, 13:15:57 UTC
Oh hi! :D

So you reckon he could actually play? That's so cool. And WHAT? Jensen can play the piano? How did I not know this?!

We most definitely need fic where there's piano playing. And if the Js can both play then we need one teaching the other for sure. :) Or a duet at least... :D

thanks for the insight..


authoressnebula March 21 2012, 13:30:02 UTC
Hi! *waves*

Jensen played piano in an episode of Dark Angel, I believe. It was SO PRETTY. Angsty and kinda creepy, but SO PRETTY.




ash48 March 21 2012, 13:34:06 UTC
Jensen played piano in an episode of Dark Angel



cherry916 March 21 2012, 13:53:54 UTC
Those do look like piano hands. Nice, slender long fingers poised over the keys perfectly. I'm always so curious about Jared because we know Jensen is a musician to some degree and can sing, play guitar AND as Nebula pointed out play piano. So that always leaves me wondering what Jared's special talents are.

I know he's really intelligent and good at math. Jensen even said Jared's very smart in that aspect and he's a great chess player as Jensen also said. *le sigh* Jared is so mesmerizing sometimes and mysterious. You think you know everything about him but you always learn something new.


ash48 March 21 2012, 15:07:50 UTC
Don't they! It looks to me like he has the fingering down perfectly.. (hee... not touching that one...)

And yeah... often actors are multi talented. It's part of their trade I suppose but I've never thought of Jared as being musical. I mean... he sure can dance but this is the first time that I've thought he'd be able to play an instrument.

And Jensen said he can play Chess? Cool... I didn't know that. Though I did know that Jared is good at Guitar Hero (better than Jensen I believe?)...so I'd say he has magical fingers for sure....:D


cherry916 March 21 2012, 15:11:33 UTC
Yeah in the commentary of Phantom Traveler Jensen said Jared is quite the chess player, then Jared began to feign innocence to try and hustle people then Jensen proceeded to call him a shark lol

He is also very good at guitar hero because I think he plays it religiously? lol I know he takes it very seriously as if it's a matter of life or death


debbiel66 March 21 2012, 13:54:43 UTC
You are SO GOOD for leaving that preview alone! ;)


ash48 March 21 2012, 22:44:09 UTC
Arghh...I know! (but it's killing me...;)

No long now though...


fourtenpm March 21 2012, 15:10:56 UTC
I caved, and watched, with audio. and am beating myself over it, ever since, 'cause there still are DAYS to Friday!


ash48 March 21 2012, 22:50:51 UTC
*holds strong*

I know I will kick myself if I cave. And yeah...it's only a couple of days now..\o/



geminigrl11 March 21 2012, 16:24:10 UTC
Saw this and had to jump on board (because JP playing instruments is just...yeah :)). Don't know about piano but he can play guitar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_T6xBuANF4. Also here (at 2:02): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4BW1F9PJlg. (Wee!Jared's accent is adorable and he's such a boy!). (And it's sad I had these videos pretty much committed to memory).

*runs back to obscurity*


harrigan March 21 2012, 22:23:30 UTC
Bless you for having those links saved!


ash48 March 21 2012, 22:54:28 UTC
Oh THANK YOU! That teen awards one is priceless. His Texan accent is so strong and he's soooooo cute!

I had no idea he played the guitar. :)) Thanks for coming out to share those. <33


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