7.16 Episode reaction and thinky...

Mar 17, 2012 21:58

WELCOME BACK SHOW! \0/ (Stop going away and making us addicts suffer so.... )

I'm always a little nervous going into anticipated eps for fear of being disappointed. My biggest concern was that Sam would not tell Dean that Lucifer was front and center. That he would suffer in silence......but..... WOOT!!! It was the first thing out of his mouth! \o/ It was such a relief. Out with the old Sam....;)

The next time someone is at a SPN Convention can you please ask if they have a blood splatter gun. There's barely an episode go by where there isn't an explosion of blood (and I'm seriously curious has they produce it). As soon as those mirrors came into view we knew they would end up covered in blood yeah? Oh show....*hugs it*

Counting the ways...

1. Such a gory, awesome beginning and I would have been sorely disappointed if the movie Black Swan hadn't been mentioned. And Dean calling the tutu on tutu action = perfect. :)

2. Nice to see a call back to Bad Day at Black Rock and the cursed objects. But JEEEEEZEEEE... boiling water over the face!! Really?! Ack! I actually turned away (and squeeed at the same time...) Loved the build up of the meat grinder and knife shots.

3. SAMMMY!!!!! Oh man....The torture of sleep depravation. :(( Sam is hanging on by a thread. (I'm sure we've all experienced that a little bit..) The fact that he IS hanging on is testament to how strong he is. I still don't get how Lucifer-in-sam's-brain actually works. I'm wondering if we're not really supposed to really have a grasp on that yet. From recent discussions (in past entries) it seems there are a few different theories about how he works. I look forward to seeing how they actually deal with this. I will say I am LOVING the Sam-being-tortured-by-Lucifer story line and not just because it gives us some Sammy pain, but because it adds weight to the sacrifice Sam made when he returned Lucifer to the cage. The wall was a BIG DEAL in S6, so it makes sense that it's still a big deal in S7.

4. DEAN!!! \o/ I will admit I do love Dean like this. In control, confident, clear thinking... (I have more to say about Dean, which I'll go into below as it's more meta than just a "point").

5. LEVIATHANS!! Ok. So. I know some of you aren't fond of the Leviathan arc but I have to say really am. I loved Joyce. The actress was great fun to watch and I enjoyed the "Devil Wears Prada" dynamic going on there. I actually had a boss like that once. The psychopathic boss. Scary and awful. It's great how consistent they have been with the "style" of the Leviathans. As soon as those two appeared on screen they oozed Leviathan. They have slippery, slick, charming, smarmy personalities and a certain cold look. The hierarchy between them amuses me. The corporate observations are fabulous. (I have more to say on this below).

6. SAM vs TRUCK! HOLY FUCK!!! (um.. was there anyone else hoping that Sam would veer off the road, hit his poor head and Dean would have to come looking for him. Wrap him in a blanket, give him lots of cuddles and....um... yeah. ok. I think I read that in a story once....)

7. FRANK!! Because Show is Show the chances that Frank is dead is pretty high. The blood spatter gun had been put to good use in those final shots, that's for sure. BUT! Show being Show (and we know how they love to kill EVERYBODY!) Frank is very likely not dead (just to screw with us). We didn't see a body, so I'm going to speculate that he's NOT dead. JUST TO SCREW WITH US! I really don't know, but I think his death would be a bit premature at this point. Sure, they want the boys left WITHOUT ANYONE (damn you Show!), but it just doesn't feel right at this point in the story... *shrugs* we'll see.

8. My bro!love craving wanted to see Dean show more concern with Sam's reveal about Lucifer being on board 24/7 but I know it was there and I think it's more realistic to simply have him ask about his condition and tell him to get some sleep. As much as I would like to see an ep with some h/c in it, I know we aren't going to get it. I suppose there's only so much angst they can give Dean over Sam. We are still 7 eps away from the finale so they can't pile it on just yet. FIC REQUIRED!

At the end of this episode I was left feeling WE NEED FIC!! So many opportunities...

1 - Dean crack!fic where he actually put on those shoes!
2 - Wee!Dean fic where he first discovered his love for ballet (the shoes went for Dean because Dean has a secret love for ballet.. TRUE FAX! )
3 - Sam ends up in a ditch after narrowly missing the truck - injured and needing his big!bro
4 - Dean decides Sam needs sleep, so curls up with him to sooth his nightmares. I actually see this as gen. *nod*.... really....
5 - Dean decides Sam needs sleep, so curls up with him to sooth his nightmares... and um....::koff::: not gen....

And no, this isn't actually a request for fic (really..) but didn't you feel that it left the door open for SO much writing!?! Wheeee....

And now some thinky thoughts.... (THINKY EP!! \o/)

1. The title. "Out With The Old". When the name of the shop appeared it seemed we had the title right there. But I'm thinking this was also comment on where the boys are now. Both of them seemed to have shed something "old" and started to be something "new". Sam came clean straight away to Dean about Lu. Sam has certainly been more honest this season, but he's also wanted to protect Dean from his true state of mind. Until now. He's actually telling Dean what's going on. (yay!).

In many ways I think the title is more appropriate for Dean. He really seemed to shed some of the "old" Dean. The guilt for starters. His line: Feeling guilty ain't gonna bring 'em back. Best you can do is live your life the way that you think would make her proud. seems like such a huge step forward for Dean. Shedding some of the guilt he's been carrying around since John died. How much lighter did he look in this episode? He was researching and investigating and getting answers. He seemed better. Clearer. No drinking and less angst.

I thought we might have been heading for a major Dean breakdown (and we still might) but I think he hit his lowest point just after Bobby died. It was Frank that suggested the tools to survive (get through the week) and it is testament to Dean's strength that he's done that. I'm sure Dean will have his ups and downs (with more downs to come I'm sure), but to see him so much stronger and wiser in this episode was fabulous. I know I wear my heart on my sleeve for Sam but I ADORE Dean TO LITTLE PIECES. To have him of the brink of breaking only to bring him back stronger and more focused makes me SQUEEEE :))

2. The Big Bad. I want to take an enormous leap and say that the (targeted) big bad this season is pharmaceutical companies. Yes, yes.. I know they aren't actually the big bad but when the writers sat down this season and said "what real evil can we investigate this season?" ... the answer "corporations and pharmaceutical companies" seems like a damn good answer to me.

The reason I went there? The Leviathans will have a cure for cancer. I loved this reveal. They actually want to give humans a cure for (quite possibly) the worse disease we have. Why? I see two reasons. 1). It would mean healthy food source and 2). It would earn them billions. Imagine being able to offer the human race a cure for something we have been trying to find the answer for ages.

And here lies the rub. Would we accept the cure for cancer from "monsters" whose aim is to infiltrate us? - keep us healthy as a food source, and become incredibly powerful by providing us with something we desperately need? (And yep... money is power, corporate money pays for government campaigns and thus buys favors etc). What better way to take over the world. I've always imagined the end of the world to come from greedy, power hungry corporations. It's not a far stretch from where we are today. I rather love that show is exploring this. It might be cliched but if they are going to explore evil then it makes sense that corporate greed becomes a monster. I'm really hoping there's a satisfactory twist and conclusion to this story arc. (realistically it would be Leviathans taking over the world has money hungry, psychopathic, greedy... leviathans and the boys saying..."yeah, the world deserves this"... and driving over a cliff...).

3. Show is awesome. No thinky required.

I wanted to make mention of the motel in the ep but I've run out of steam (and I've already said enough!). I posted a S4 motel picspam recently and hope to crack into S5 motels soon. I do hope to cover all the seasons eventually. Mostly because I have this rather compulsive desire to see all the motels categorised.

meta, s7 episode reaction

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