Various observations on 7.14

Feb 12, 2012 16:22

As much as this episode was a filler and full of sparkly moments, I think we can extract some thinky... :D

I gotta start with that hotel room... )

s7 musings, s7 episode reaction, not!meta

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Comments 24

el1ie February 12 2012, 11:05:59 UTC
Nope, refuse to think about it. Hee!

There was so much I could find fault with if I study it, plot, pacing, repetition, cruelty, Sam changing clothes while tailing a subject...what? You know me and my hinkey time line fascination.

I think a less drunk Dean is a less morose Dean and if he's put the bottle down for a while then I can see a place where he can still find joy teasing and working with his brother - yep, it was a bit of a jar from last week but a welcome one and although I don't really think someone who was tipping back as much alcohol as Dean was could possible just stop - it was a joyous episode in many ways - funeral humour is something Dean has a penchant for, I found his change of attitude pretty genuine in the situation and not the forced "Frank's theory" one and the one liners came fast and furious, it was great fun to watch, but not think about or dwell on.

Pretty, pretty hotel room and as soon as I saw the first glimpse of it I thought of you jumping up and down squealing and pointing at the screen! ( ... )


ash48 February 12 2012, 13:49:37 UTC
There was so much I could find fault with if I study it,

Ha! Yes, yes. I am sure I watch most episodes with a different part of my brain. The one that ignores all those things. Though, I was thoroughly entertained so I had no problem with the pacing. Though...yeah... on re-watch there were certainly moments that dragged.

And Sam changed clothes? Ooh... I'll have to take another look. A continuity problem then. (I do love those..)

Yeah... looks like Dean's drinking is becoming the reason behind his moroseness doesn't it? I like that he actually mentioned that he wasn't going to drink. Though, as an alcoholic (which I see Dean as) I would imagine just stopping would be damn hard. I would love to have seen him actually go to pick up a drink and then put it down.

(I think I might be dwelling on Frank's smile theory as I am currently vidding it...;D)

The hotel room did indeed make me squeal. I think I was..."OMG! look at that room!! \o/)



el1ie February 12 2012, 15:24:15 UTC
And Sam changed clothes?

Yep, he follows the mother with the little kid, he's in his FBI suit when he leaves and in his jeans as he pulls up and gets out of the car.


linda3m February 12 2012, 12:23:41 UTC
This is just my opinion, but I think Dean was able to genuinely laugh and smile at the end of this episode because it was the first time in months he's been sober all episode. Dean is a cranky drunk.


ash48 February 12 2012, 13:51:36 UTC
Yes... that seems to be the theory behind the happier Dean. I can certainly go with that, though I do like that (maaybe) he's also willing to find things to smile about when he can. Hee... and Sammy covered in glitter?! Well, it made my heart sing.. :)


linda3m February 12 2012, 13:59:22 UTC
Glitter!Sammy FTW!


maenad February 12 2012, 13:10:35 UTC
We are given some canonical evidence of where and when Sam's fear of clowns began. I'm not sure if this is a deliberate attempt to load some more guilt on Dean or just one of those things. I suspect the former because he apologises to Sam at the end. I also felt that Dean may have been defending himself a little when he was defending Tyler's mother.I think the idea is to remind Dean that his actions do affect Sam's wellbeing. Anybody who's been paying attention can see that Sam is terrified that Dean is going to die on him - but Dean's been so thoroughly swamped by his own misery that he's been missing the depth of Sam's desperation. He's also agreed, on the surface level, to go along with Sam's insistence that he's fine and there's no need to worry ( ... )


ash48 February 12 2012, 14:20:47 UTC
Man, I wish I could express myself as well as this.

I knew that there was a bigger picture and deeper meaning to Dean leaving Sam but couldn't draw that line like you've done here. Great comparison.

I totally believe that Dean's desire (and ability) to keep his head above water is because of Sam. Both brothers had said as much "I'm not going to leave my brother out there". They are probably only just hanging on for the other. Sam had hidden his hallucinations from Dean to protect him and in part is probably (seeming) to deal with it so well because of Dean. And likewise Dean.

and puts meaning behind his vow to stick with Sam.

I'd like to think this is the case. I didn't feel like he was lying to Sam at the end of 7.13. I think he has every intention to do his best to stay alive - for Sam. It would be so interesting so see what Dean would do now if Sam were to die - not that I want them to go there again - but I wonder if he'd just give it all up. I would think something would have to happen to Sam for him to ( ... )


maenad February 13 2012, 16:01:56 UTC
Thanks. :)

I'd like to think this is the case. I didn't feel like he was lying to Sam at the end of 7.13. I think he has every intention to do his best to stay alive - for Sam. It would be so interesting so see what Dean would do now if Sam were to die - not that I want them to go there again - but I wonder if he'd just give it all up. I would think something would have to happen to Sam for him to completely snap.

I don't think he was lying either - but I also think that it was clear there was a limit to what he could promise. He has to make a conscious decision to stay alive at every moment, because he struggles to find reasons to want to. They've peppered the season with these little emotional reminders, and he really needed another one after Bobby. So a little switch flips in his brain 'Oh, that's right, I'm staying alive for Sam'. He's been saying it - and now he might believe it a bit. And given what I strongly suspect all this stuff is foreshadowing, he's going to need all the conviction he can muster ( ... )


phx69 February 12 2012, 16:22:29 UTC
Dean's belly laugh wasn't a forced smile. It was so genuine it even made Sam smile. I just think Dean was so relieved that Sam wasn't dead and then to see him like that? There is no way he won't find it funny. And his pure joy at seeing that slinky??? awww... (I also think it was a nice shout out to that episode that had Dean saying he didn't know the last time he'd laughed with his brother. It shows how much they've repaired their relationship. And the fact that Sam let him laugh at him? Very sweet ( ... )


ash48 February 12 2012, 23:16:26 UTC
I totally agree it was genuine. And so wonderful to see. I just wonder if it's also because he allowed himself to actually let loose and enjoy a laugh. He's been so caught up with feeling rotten about everything, I think he's missed these opportunities. (though Sam covered in glitter doesn't come around too often I admit *g*).

Oh and yes! Relieved Sam wasn't dead. It's so weird, that's usually the first thing I think of and that didn't cross my mind (*doh*). Though, I did wonder why Dean hadn't gone off looking for him when I first watched. My immediate assumption was that he called Sam and Sam said, "wait for me I'm coming to you".

It shows how much they've repaired their relationship. OH yes! (thank god!) and I loved the Sam almost said something like.."it's great to see you laugh" but just said it with his eyes and gestures. Oh SPN... this is why I love you so much ( ... )


zimshan February 12 2012, 18:42:26 UTC
He seemed to be in a very bad place at the end of that episode, telling Sam he'll "do what he can" to stay alive and here he was much happier.See, I think it's not so much Dean's words in response at the end of that ep that are important to remember but SAM'S words and Dean's reaction to them that make them both so much more comfortable together in this one. Beginning of the ep Dean has his little swearing off women and bars and alcohol. He plays it off as a joke, but like everything Dean does, his actions say more than his words. Sam was smiling at him constantly throughout this ep, like he thought his words got through to him and worked. It's the only episode to date this season, where Dean's drinking something and it's not alcohol, but coffee. It's the stuff unsaid. :) Of course, I think it's gearing up for next ep unfortunately, so it's a set up for a fall, but still, it happened ( ... )


ash48 February 14 2012, 04:41:03 UTC
I adore the idea that things happened that morning (as you suggested) to make Sam all smiley at Dean. I'm sure Dean can see the change in Sam's mood with the change of his own behaviours. That must please him also. They are both SO connected and in tune with each other things like this rub off on each other.

I hope that if we are due for a fall in the next ep, or coming eps that they don't hand wave what happened here. They seemed to have gained some ground. Maybe even the fact they are able to have a laugh will help when things start to get tough (well, one can hope *g*)

Oh yeah? You got the cheesy feel too? I wondered if I imagined that. :D I thought that music was notably different to past chase scenes. I love the way they consider these little details.



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