What's the story?

Oct 26, 2011 21:41

I know. Two posts in the space of moments. I've had a craptastic day of craptastic proportions so it seems like a cure or something.

So. Bobby. What's going on? I've had a couple of discussions and I've seen some theories.

I feel a poll is required to settle this once and for all. (well, for the moment anyway...*g*)

more specific S7 spoilers and poll )

s7 musings, poll

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Comments 30

tiniowien October 26 2011, 14:02:18 UTC
I want to tick so many 'cause I'm just so not sure! Argh!


ash48 October 26 2011, 14:10:10 UTC
Hee! I didn't add "I'm just don't know!" as an option...

I did toy with "Too hard basket"..

But yeah. So hard to know. I hate to think they've screwed up, or just made Bobby able to cope. I really want something else dun dun duuuunnnnn.


debbiel66 October 26 2011, 14:08:36 UTC
The leviathans don't seem that they are on board for the Winchesters as "the key to everything" like the demons were. (the statements this show makes me write!) So I'd imagine that if Bobby was a leviathan, he would have just killed them in the cabin, especially when Dean was busy.

Methinks the writers just don't want him front row and center right now....which actually works for me. The boys depend on him too much.


ash48 October 26 2011, 14:23:34 UTC
See... I remember when I was all "there's got to be something more to Sam than him just being soulless" and you're like.. "no, actually soulless is pretty big on it's own so that's probably all there is...".

So I'm going to take heed now. *g* That they don't want him front and centre works for me. Though I think it's a cop out that they didn't do more with the loss of his house and have addressed where he actually was during the burning of his house. He was heading back there after all...

Arghhh... I don't know. I figure it's nothing and yet there's this niggling....


debbiel66 October 26 2011, 14:35:02 UTC
I'm not awake yet -meant to write when Dean was incapacitated....

And lol, about my soulless Sam statement! I'm impressed you remember. I definitely think the house reaction was a cop-out. I just think the writers are less concerned with how it impacts Bobby than how it impacts Sam and Dean.


ash48 October 26 2011, 14:48:05 UTC
Hee... and it's getting late for me my end. *g*

I can't buy at all that he's a leviathan because he's had too many opportunities to end the boys if that's what they wanted.

Lol.. I remember because you were my voice of reason. :)

But yeah. I get that show is about the boys' reactions to stuff rather than Bobby's.... *sigh*. I mean, they gave us pretty good reaction to him being in a wheelchair and the loss of his wife etc. and yet they've skimmed over this.

*head scratch* I will probably accept it if it turns out this way, but I'd love it if they'd thought beyond this.


maenad October 26 2011, 14:27:24 UTC
Bobby confuses me. :)

When I first saw him, I thought 'Leviathan! Hobble, Dean! Hobble! Hit it with a crutch!' But ... well, that doesn't make much sense with what we know of the Leviathans. They're pragmatists who are still learning about the world - and eager to eliminate opposition ( ... )


ash48 October 26 2011, 14:59:04 UTC
Ha! Yes! Hurry up episodes. Give us more hints. I read somewhere that Dean's reaction in the last episode, when he was talking on the phone to Bobby, where he said "Winchester" was evidence that it wasn't really Bobby. (man.. I hope you can make sense of that sentence..). I found that curious - though I doubt actually evidence to him not being Bobby.

I could (maybe) go with him being an infiltrator of sorts. Get the mighty Winchesters on side etc. Find their weakness etc. But ...nah. Seems far fetched. Even for SPN.

I'm thinking continuity also. Being the first ep to be shot. Though it disappoints me that it wasn't considered. That no one said...what about Bobby and a moment to consider his house, memories, belongings etc.

But then again. We live in the "real" world and they live in a 'verse that is pretty inconceivable.


zebra363 October 26 2011, 22:07:12 UTC
I read somewhere that Dean's reaction in the last episode, when he was talking on the phone to Bobby, where he said "Winchester" was evidence that it wasn't really Bobby.

I also thought this was a little strange, though like you say perhaps not evidence that he wasn't Bobby.

The other thing I thought was a bit strange was that the spell he gave Dean for killing the witches didn't work because they didn't chill the chicken feet. Was that an honest mistake on Bobby's part? Did Bobby tell them about it, but Sam and Dean couldn't do it because of the power problems (which as far as we know didn't extend to the motel)? Or something more sinister?


galwithglasses October 26 2011, 15:00:43 UTC
When there was the big hulabaloo about people acting out of character in 7.03, I thought the only one who was kind of off was Bobby. After last season I'm so used to second guessing characters and behavior that I immediately wondered what was up with him. We didn't get the conversation about Dean threatening suicide/murder or "I'm bummed my house burned down, I was a. in the panic room, b. getting more beer, c. hanging with the Sheriff, d. trying to start my car, e. all of the above when it happened."

I don't think the Leviathans have adjusted so well to be able to pass for Bobby yet. Even though the main dude has Cas's thoughts and knowledge, he was missing plenty of info about Bobby too. I wouldn't rule anything else out. I hope it's just the writing and Sam and Dean aren't forced to go after him. I think that would knock the last pin out of whatever is holding Dean together. It would take a lot of the fun out of the show for me if he were to go. I've seen speculation that he's God, and just...no.


ash48 October 26 2011, 15:18:39 UTC
I think that's it. we didn't get the conversation. Where were you? How did you escape? Do you care about your house and stuff?

If it's nothing then it would have been nice to at least had a nod to what actually happened. I reckon the writer's know that the fan base is invested in Bobby so would want some sort of explanation.

Or, they're deliberately left it alone to build up to something else.

Hee... God? Really? I think we've gone beyond that now. They never answered the question about God which I think works just fine.

We shall see I suppose. (And YES... they CAN NOT LOSE BOBBY! That would be the last straw. I gotta say though.. I wouldn't put it past them...


galwithglasses October 26 2011, 15:45:22 UTC
I wouldn't put it past them...

Yeah, that's what has me worried, especially if this turns out to be the last season. Aargh!


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 October 26 2011, 23:03:50 UTC
Hee!! :DDD I think WAY too much about the important stuff.. :D


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