The "additional" season...

Jun 24, 2011 23:24

The one that happened after Kripke's Five Year Plan...

I’ve been wanting to reflect on season six for a while now but I’ve decided instead to just say WHAT SHE SAID!

missyjack has written a brilliant review/overview of season six. She captures the very reasons why I was so excited by the season ( Read more... )

s6 musings

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Comments 13

missyjack June 25 2011, 01:59:03 UTC
thanks for the lovely word about my noir review !

The first few eps of S6 made me have many FEELINGS because of the disconnect bw Sam and Dean, and bc we didn't know WHY it was happening. I was really uncomfortable - but fascinated at the same time. I felt like Dean - anxious and paranoid! (and robo Sam was kinda awesome!)

And then wow - when the boys do get back together it was so amazing to see them pick up from where their relationship had evolved to at the end of S5. And I really don't think that would've been as bright and shiny if we hadn't had soulless Sam. (actually just rewatched WIAWSNB and the dreamverse r'ship felt similarly unsettling).

Anyway - one wish I have for S7 is to have a 'day in the life' type ep for the boys. I really wan to see them do laundry again ;D


ash48 June 25 2011, 13:37:37 UTC
one wish I have for S7 is to have a 'day in the life' type ep for the boys. I really wan to see them do laundry again ;D

omg.. I'm so totally up for this. Kinda like a Weekend at Bobby's - it'd be a day doing "normal" stuff and at the end of the ep they decide that fighting monsters is easier that battling with washing machines..


bythedamned June 25 2011, 15:24:14 UTC
We get to make lists?? Of expectations???? That's what I love about this fandom, it's so interactive. You should definitely do a new one :) I think I might have to too, even if it's only in my head. It probably won't be worth posting cuz I think it pretty much boils down to: 1) hurt/Comfort! and 2) where is the frickin amulet already?

anyway, I dunno when your clock resets, so I waited til it's the 25th in my timezone to say: Happy Birthday sweets! Hope it's a good one :P


novakev June 25 2011, 15:39:33 UTC
I like your list - samrt boys, liking each other, and Yes!surprises.
I found the first episodes challenging, with 'Where's Sam' and then 'What? Sam wouldn't so that!' But I found the season full of light episodes which made me laugh, so yes I loved this season!


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