Title: Zombieland
Rating: R
Pairing: Eventual J2
Summary: With the world overrun by zombies, fear can keep you alive. Jensen Ackles has lived by a set of successful rules from the moment his world was turned into something not so pretty. On the road, alone, Jensen soon comes across a few more survives. All having their own unique ways to survive the zombie hell around them. All of them believing that personal ties and connections can only make you weak and vulnerable, and as a result get you killed. But maybe now they all need to rely on each other to survive. And would it really be so crazy to have some romance sparking on the sidelines.
Author's notes: If you haven’t seen the film Zombieland...this contains most of the dialogue and situations from the film. Obviously I do not own the boys, or any other character in this fic...original or Zombieland based. This is all just for fun.
Jensen makes his way down a deserted highway. The highway is littered with cars. Cars in decent condition, as if families abandoned then and attempted to flee the chaos on foot. Other cars are wrecked, and torn to pieces. All cars covering the entire highway, but there is only silence. The only noise coming from Jensen dragging his suitcase behind him on the uneven pavement.
Jensen just wants to make his way to Columbus, Ohio. He may not have been close to his family growing up. Moving so often might have been a factor. His family was originally from Texas, but moved around a lot, and ended up sticking to Ohio. Then Jensen left to go to school, back in Texas. But with the zombie apocalypse and everything, Jensen’s feeling the urge to reconnect.
In reality though, having next to no social skills comes in handy for yet another one of Jensen’s many rules. Rule number 7: TRAVEL LIGHT.
Jensen doesn’t mean just traveling light based on luggage, but he doesn't have much of that either. But also the emotionally kind of baggage. Jensen’s always felt like kind of a loner. He avoided people like they were zombies even before they were zombies. Now that they are all zombies, Jensen kind of misses people.
So Jensen continues to trip from his dorm in Austin, Texas to Columbus, Ohio...on foot now. Jensen can only hope his parents and siblings are still alive. Even though they were never really that close, Jensen just wants to see a familiar face. Hell, any face that doesn’t have blood dripping down it’s face, and flesh between its teeth.
Jensen stops walking, confused, as he thinks he can hear a car approaching. Jensen looks over his shoulder to in fact see a car driving down the highway towards him, but in the other line. Jensen starts to jog a head, looking back every so often at the big black, obviously post-zombie war accessorized, vehicle. The big car...Jensen doesn’t know a thing about cars so it’s just a car to him...but it looks a little...scratch that, it looks VERY threatening. A big white letter three painting on the door.
The car pushes through the other deserted cars, and drives down and through the ditch to be on the same side as Jensen. Jensen rushes to a near by abandoned van for cover. He drops his suitcase, crouches down, and pulls his gun to his chest. The car, however, pulls up a little a head of the van on the other side of the gravel road and stops.
Jensen is freaking out, not sure what the hell to do. He drops his gun as he scrambles for cover. He pulls a knocked over motorcycle upright, and uses it as a shield. Once the bike is up, Jensen picks up his gun again and aims it at the car. Now he waits, shaking he so nervous and well...petrified.
After what seems like hours for Jensen, someone finally opens the car door and steps out. First, all Jensen can see is what looks like a leather cow-boy boot hitting the pavement. Then the man steps out of his car, jeans, leather jacket, shoulder length hair under a cowboy hat, topped off with sunglasses. The man looks older than himself, but he doesn’t look too old, maybe late twenties. Jensen could be wrong, it’s not like he’s ever had a lot of practice. Once Jensen gets a good look at the man, he’s not sure if the appearance of the man makes him more or less threatening, probably more.
Christian Kane, that’s who just stepped out. One badass zombie killer. But Jensen doesn’t know that. He’s too busy cowering to start talking anytime soon. Not until he knows this guy isn’t going to kill him.
Chris takes off his glasses and tosses them over his shoulder, into the car. He seems confident despite Jensen’s gun still trained on him. Chris then slowly reaches for his own gun, pulls it out of its holder against his leg, cocks it, and aims it at Jensen as Jensen gets to his feet.
Jensen is freaking out, big time. This guy is showing no fear, aiming his gun at Jensen. Jensen, however, is shaking like a leaf. He really doesn’t want to die. Especially not like this, not now. So, it may be a long shot, and he might actually get shot for it, but he needs to take the chance. Jensen slow takes a hand off his gun, and quickly extends it away from his body with his thumb up. Maybe this scary man will take pity on him and give him a ride.
Chris thinks the man standing in front of him looks a little pathetic, but he nods anyways. Chris watches as Jensen grabs his suitcase, and pulls it towards the car. Chris walks away from his car as Jensen gets settle, needing to let off a little bit of steam. He kicks the motorcycle back to the ground.
“Thank you.” Jensen calls out, as he puts his gun into the car through the open window.
Chris turns towards the car as Jensen gets in, already kind of regretting not just driving past the guy. But Chris walks towards the car, and gets in.
Jensen looks into the backseat, needing to make sure there won’t be any surprises.
“What are you looking for?” Chris asks as he too looks into the back seat.
“Nothing. I just...I have this list.” Jensen explains as he looks over to Chris.
Rule number 31: CHECK THE BACKSEAT
“No-one back there but my duffle bag.” Chris replies, not amused in the slightest.
Jensen is a little nervous, this guy who was kind enough to give him a lift still seems a little intimidating. So Jensen relaxes into his seat, and tries not to piss this guy off.
“Um...so...what’s your name?” Jensen asks, looking back over to Chris.
“Stop...no names.” Chris interrupts, he may not live by specific rules like Jensen...but he has this one. “Stops us from getting too familiar.”
Chris leans over and grabs a hug knife next to Jensen. And holy hell, this is really not helping Jensen’s nerves. He’s freaking out. But he tries to stay calm as he catches Chris’s alcohol bottle that almost gets knocked over in the process of Chris collecting his scary-ass knife.
“You almost knocked over your alcohol with your knife.” Jensen says, trying to be funny to cover his nerves.
Chris takes the bottle and unscrews the cap.
“Um...no, you don’t have to.” Jensen tries to protest, but clearly Chris has other ideas.
“So...where are you headed?” Chris asks as he reaches for a shot glass.
“Uh, Columbus. You?” Jensen asks, trying to remain positive. They haven’t started moving yet, but he hasn’t been kicked out yet either, so that’s a sign.
Chris passes Jensen the shot filled with alcohol, and raises the bottle to Jensen’s shot glass like a toast. “Talllahassee.”
The glass clang together, and Chris drinks directly out of the bottle of alcohol. Jensen on the other hand, tosses his shot out the window when Chris isn’t looking. Jensen isn’t real big on drinking. Jensen then pretends to finish the shot when Chris refocuses his attention on Jensen.
“Another?” Chris asks.
“No..um..ones enough.” Jensen mumbles as he settles back into his seat, and sets the shot glass down.
Chris however, takes another drink out of the bottle.
“You know...Tallahassee and Columbus, they’re both east.” Jensen states, really not wanting to be in the car with this man if he continues to drink so much before they even get moving.
“So?” Chris asks, looking over at Jensen. Again, rethinking letting Jensen into his car.
“So...Tallahassee.” Jensen says, not sure what else to call the man since he won’t give his name. “What to stick together...at least for awhile.”
Chris smiles, a little amused. “Here’s the deal, Columbus.”
Okay, so instead of just giving over their names, looks like they’ll be calling each other by their destination. A little weird, but it’s better than nothing.
“Um...I’m not easy to get along with. And I’m sensing you’re a bit of a bitch. So, uh, I give this relationship to about...Texarkana.” Chris replies, a little coldly.
Jensen is a little offended at first, wondering if this is always how this man has been. Cold, and mean. Or if all this zombie crap pushed him to it. That maybe he was a totally different before months ago, but now...this. Jensen doesn’t have much time to think about it, because now he’s excited. Sure, only getting to Texarkana isn’t exactly Columbus. But it’s a start.
“Really, you’ll take me as far as Taxarkana.” Jensen is a little relieved, as he puts on his seatbelt.
“You’re a peppy little spit-fuck, aren’t ya.” Chris laughs lightly, only a little amused with Jensen and his behavior.
Jensen laughs, not sure what else to do. And soon they are moving.
“You might want to buckle up. You know, for safety.”
“I can tell already you are going to get on my nerves.”
Teaming up wasn’t exactly Jensen’s style, he figured he would be safer with ‘Tallahassee.’ It didn’t take long for Chris to start telling Jensen stories, and for Jensen to come to the conclusion that he was pretty good at being a badass. Now, Jensen hasn’t seen first hand, but if even half the stories are true, he’s definitely safer with him then by himself, on foot.
But it also didn’t take long for Jensen to realize that Chris had one weakness.
After a couple hours on the road, they soon stopped. There was a Hostess truck down a ditch, which clearly crashed through the side railing of the highway to get to where it is resting now. Jensen is just confused as they stand on the road, looking down at the truck.
“What are we doing here?” Jensen finally asks, keeping a firm grip on his gun. He wishes they were back in the moving car.
“Take a look, it’s a god-damn Hostess truck.” Chris replies, a little annoyed for having to state the obvious.
“Ya, I see that, a Hostess truck. So what?” Jensen asks, still confused.
“I could use a Twinkie.” Chris replies, smiling at Jensen.
Chris goes to make his way down the hill, but stops when he realizes Jensen isn’t following him. “You coming?”
“Uh...yes.” Jensen nods, not really wanted to stay up here by himself. “One second.”
Jensen, keeping his gun in his hands, starts doing some stretches. Chris just watches, and eventually, after watching Jensen do ridiculous stretches, he can’t contain the laughter anymore.
“Are you fucking with me?” Chris asks, smiling. Wondering what is up with this kid.
“Uh, no. You should actually limber up as well. Especially if we are going to be going down that hill. It is very important.” Jensen explains as he continues to stretch.
Rules number 18: LIMBER UP
“I don’t believe in it.” Chris explains as Jensen continues to stretch. “You ever see a lion limber up before it takes down a gazelle?”
Jensen freezes, he never thoughts about that. Chris just smiles, clearly knowing he proved his point.
They make their way down the hill. Once by the Hostess truck, both men are on guard. Jensen aims his gun at the back doors, while Chris gives it a kick. Both waiting to see if anything unpleasant will pop on out of there, wanting to eat them for dinner.
When nothing happens, Chris opens the door and piles of packages of snowballs fall out of the truck. Chris looks a little upset as he begins to rummage through the pile. Where as Jensen, he just pick up a package and opens it. He has no problem with snowballs.
“Snowballs? Snowballs!” Chris starts stomping on the snowballs, smushing them into the ground under his feet. “Where are the fucking twinkies!”
“I like snowballs.” Jensen replies as he takes a bite.
“I hate coconut. Not the taste, the consistency.”
Chris looks through the contents of the trunk one last time as Jensen continues to enjoy his dessert.
“Oh, this twinkie thing...it ain’t over yet.” Chris then leaves, walking back up the hill.
Jensen takes another packages of snowballs for later, who knows when they’ll stop for food. He then walks back up the hill as well.
Jensen wishes he was on his own, in his own car. Chris seems a little edgy, which just makes Jensen feel a little nervous. But a lot of things make Jensen nervous, or scared. So really, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. At least Chris isn’t a zombie, trying to naw on his flesh...or a clown. Fucking clowns. Those were the things of Jensen’s scariest nightmares...well, before hell seemed to consume the states. But still, Jensen still probably fears clowns more than zombies.
Jensen was always afraid of a lot of things, and when you’re like that...the best thing to do is just not go out. Before zombies started to taking over, Jensen stuck completely to himself.
One night, a night a couple months ago...that’s when everything changed. A few months ago, Jensen was in his dorm in Austin, Texas. It was a friday night, third straight week in doors. World of warcraft, leaning tower of pizza boxes, and code red mountain dew. Most twenty-two year olds were still enjoying their college experiences like they did those first few weeks of it, girls and booze. Jensen on the other hand, never really left the dorm even now during his third year. And he always stuck to himself. Yep, his pride...nowhere. Dignity, long gone. And virginity, well...you can probably figure out the answer to that one.
Jensen’s whole life, all he ever wanted was to find someone, guy or girl. Didn’t really bother him, hell it didn’t even bother his family. Not that Jensen knows of anyways, they really don’t talk about much. Jensen’s not even sure if he actually told them that he was pretty much attracted to both gender. Which growing up, where no one really paid any attention to him, it just made it that much harder. But that much easier to ignore.
But still, Jensen just wanted to fall in love. Bring that special someone home to meet the folks. Then again, Jensen’s folks are a couple of paranoid shut-ins like him, so...maybe he’d be able to go to his partner’s home and meet their folks. Then he’d finally be a member of a cool, functioning family.
As Jensen finishes his game and gets ready for bed. Just about to call it a night one yet another boring and meaningless day when someone knocked on his door, frantically.
“408!” A girl calls out, clearly upset.
Jensen recognizes the voice, it’s his neighbor in 406. He knows her name, it’s Katie Cassidy. But he’s never had to nerve to speak to her. Because in his mind, why would someone that looked like that, talk to him. He’s just the loser who’s still in the dorm during his third year, while most people move out and moved on. Why would Katie even know he’s name, one his room number which all she had to do was read.
“Please, is anyone home! This is an emergency!” Katie calls out as she continues to frantically knock on the door.
Jensen quickly pulls on a sweater as he gets to the door. He doesn’t usually unlock his door to anyone, because well..no one really ever knocks on his door anyways. Jensen also would never really open the door to such panicked and frantic knocking, since he’s not really good in any crisis...not yet anyways. But in this moment, Katie Cassidy is really hot, so Jensen goes against his judgement and opens the door.
Katie rushes into the room, and closes the door behind her. Jensen just takes a step back, not sure what to do. Katie quickly locks the door, and then lunges at Jensen. She wraps her arms around him in a tight hug.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Katie says in a rush, clearly upset. Tears running down her face as she holds onto Jensen.
“Nice to meet you.” He mumbles, feeling awkward. No idea what to do in this situation.
So Jensen lets Katie stay, bringing her into the living room. He pours her some mountain dew and then re-joins her in the living room.
“Here.” Jensen passes the cup to Katie.
Jensen sits next to Katie on the couch. Katie has a pillow against her chest, between her knees that are also pulled to her chest. She’s clearly still upset. Katie takes a sip of the liquid.
“Mountain Dew?” Katie asks, confused.
“Ya, code red.” Jensen replies.
Katie nods, places the cup on the coffee table. Katie then pulls her legs back to her chest, and holds onto the pillow. The pillow now pressed just against her legs.
“So, um...tell me what happened?” Jensen asks, trying to be comforting and supportive. But he’s never had to do this before, so he’s pretty positive he’s failing at it somehow.
“He, uh...he was homeless. And...and sick. And I was walking home from the bar, talking on my phone and then he just came sprinting towards me. I mean, not running...but sprinting. And...and...and I thought you know, maybe he was running from someone or...or after someone. Last time I saw him, he was still out there going crazy.” Katie rambles, scared and upset.
“Drugs maybe.” Jensen replies, not sure what else to say. He feels totally stupid, and completely out of his depth.
Katie sobs, and quickly reaches for the cup of mountain dew. “I haven’t even told you the worst part.”
Katie takes a sip of the drink, trying to calm herself down. Jensen just waits, letting Katie take as much time as she needs.
“He tried to bite me. The fucker tried to bite me.” Kate finally admits.
“You’re right, that’s the worst part.” Jensen replies, completely shocked.
“Sorry, I’m just...I’m so scared.” Katie says, tears welling up in her eyes. Breathing deeply, trying to remain calm.
“No, no, you should be scared. A homeless man just tried to eat you. That’s the right kind of scared, that’s...well, that’s just messed up. But that’s the right thing to be scared about. You know, I get scared about things that don’t make sense at all, like...clowns with red noses. Or like the rags they use to wipe down tables when you finish eating at restaurants. ” Jensen rants.
“Really?” Katies asks, looking a little weirded out.
“The point is, I’m here for you, okay.” Jensen reassures her, putting a hand on her knee. “And as long as you are by my side, I am not leaving this apartment.”
“Do you mind if I just close my eyes for a minute?” Katie asks, tired and emotionally drained.
“No, of course.” Jensen mumbles, not sure what to do.
Before Jensen can move off the couch, Katie leans into him and kisses him lightly on the cheek. She then snuggles against Jensen’s shoulder, with her pillow.
“Thank you.” Katie says softly as she closes her eyes.
Jensen was pretty happy in this moment. Sure, it sucked that it took a feverish cannibal homeless psycho to make this situation possible. But as Jensen looked over at Katie, he always wanted to brush a girls hair over her ear. Never really had much opportunity in the past for it though. Tonight was Jensen’s night, but before he can actually make his move, Katie snuggles closer into his shoulder.
“Goodnight.” Katie says softly.
Jensen pulls his arm back, chickening out. “Goodnight.”
It was awkward, Jensen not sure what to do with a hot girl falling asleep against him. But after awhile he must have fallen asleep too.
A couple hours later Jensen slowly wakes up, no more weight against him. Jensen just blinks slowly a few times, trying to wake up. As he turns around, wondering where Katie went, he comes face to face with a very different looking Katie.
“Oh my god. Are you okay?” Jensen asks, freaked out.
Katie however, just stares at Jensen. She looks pale, and sick, and gross. As she slides towards him on the couch, and opens her mouth to respond, instead of words, gross slimy liquid pours out of her mouth. Katie just grunts and makes other disturbing sounds as Jensen stumbles off the couch.
Katie then jumps off the couch after Jensen, and he’s starting to really freak the fuck out. “Okay, okay, it’s fine.”
Jensen has no clue what to do, or what the hell happened. Just hours ago he had an attractive girl in his place, that he would never had the guts to talk to on any normal day. And now, Katie is no longer attractive, but looking like something out of a horror movie.
“Stop, stop! What are you doing?” Jensen panics, as he quickly back away, but Katie always follows. Making that weird noise, and throwing her arms around wildly. Jensen doesn’t know what the fuck is happening.
Jensen runs into the kitchen, and leans against the fridge. Katie stops a couple feet away from him, and just stares at him, waiting. Jensen picks up the blender next to him.
“Stay back, 406, okay. I don’t want to hurt you, but...” Jensen is cut off by the top of the blender falling to the floor. Making his strong stance a little...not so strong.
Jensen watches the top of the blender fall to the floor, and then looks back to Katie. “Shit.”
Katie rushes at Jensen. Jensen moves just in time for Katie to slam into the fridge.
Jensen runs, followed by a crazy Katie, towards his bedroom. Jensen tries to get the door closed, but Katie uses her foot to stop it. She has he foot wedged between the door and the door frame, but Jensen keeps trying to get the door shut.
Katie keeps pushes at the door, as does Jensen. Katie’s foot twists in an sickly manner, but she doesn’t stop. Even when a bone breaks, and pierces through her skin, she still tries to get through the door.
“Oh my god, I am so fucking sorry.” Jensen pleads as he hears the bones break.
Jensen flees from the door, and towards the bathroom. He doesn’t even bother closing the door, knowing Katie’s right behind him. Jensen goes to the another door but Katie grabs him from behind and throws him to the ground. Jensen tries to grab onto anything as he falls, but only rips the shower curtain, and brings it with him.
Katie jumps onto Jensen. Jensen, even through his panic, manages to wrap the shower curtain around Katie’s face. Jensen tries to keep the curtain over Katie face as they struggle around the bathroom floor.
Katie tries to bite through the curtain, more disgusting liquid pouring out of her mouth and burning through the curtain. Then, what Jensen can only guess is Katie’s tongue, pokes through the hole of the curtain. It’s gross, and smelly.
Jensen starts going through what’s in the compartment under the sink. But everything he finds isn’t helpful in slowing down Katie. There’s just cotton balls, and toilet paper, that just bounce off Katie’s head without doing any real damage.
Jensen then finds a spray can of something, and sprays the contain of the bottle into Katie’s open mouth. Katie starts to couch. Jensen let’s go of Katie, and backs up.
Jensen quickly gets to his feet, as Katie angrily tosses the shower curtain off her face. Jensen stumbles against the toilet, and grabs the porcelain lid off the top. Jensen hits Katie in the back as hard as he can with the lid.
Jensen quickly closes the door to the bathroom, and slowly back into the hallway. He doesn’t take his eye off the bathroom door as he tries to catch his breath. Jensen wishes he never opened his door, he never did before. So of course the first time he lets a girl into his life and she tries to eat him. What are the odds.
Katie slowly opens the bathroom door, and gets to her feet. Jensen feels like a scared little kid, wanting to just hide under his bed and cry until the big bad monster is gone.
“Please, listen to me.” Jensen pleads, just wanting all this to be over. “406...Katie, if you’re in there...you’re just sick. Okay.”
Katie then screams, head thrown back, before she starts making her way towards Jensen. She’s a bit slowly now, dragging her broken foot on the ground.
Jensen stands his ground, even though ever voice in his head is telling him to run. Once Katie’s close enough, Jensen hits her as hard as he can in the head with the toilet lid. Katie’s neck snaps back, and she falls to the ground. This is where rule number two was created, the double tap.
Jensen stands there, not sure what to do with this body in his room. His first encounter with a zombie. Jensen just collapses onto his couch, unaware of the chaos that is about to happen. That in a few months from where he is now, he’ll be one the road with a set of rules to survive by. Hitching a ride with Tallahassee to try and find his parents. Who would have thought the things would have gotten so fucked up in such a short time.
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