[open] you can bend, but you can't break.

Dec 15, 2011 06:09

Who: agoodfamily and you, if you like!
What: Exploring the city in more detail, and reliving disturbing memories.
When: Day 6, mid-afternoon.
Where: All over the city.
Rating: No higher than PG.

Hey, little girl, keep dancing. )

souji seta, mako nakarai, yuri petrov

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Comments 134

Hel! Though she's walking about in Odin's district right now :) roadstotheriver December 15 2011, 14:55:08 UTC
Lirael is taking a break from her library explorations, in particular, to find some lunch. She's in the wrong district for her own welcome house, though, so she's trying to plead a little something from one of the street vendors. It's not working very well, as she doesn't yet have any money, and they aren't being nearly as friendly as the ones in her home district.

So with a sigh, she turns back in the direction of Hel's district, putting herself right in the poor girl's way, without noticing it at all. When you habitually walk with your head down and your hair in your face, it's easy to miss things like, y'know, other people.


Odin it is o7 agoodfamily December 15 2011, 14:58:46 UTC
When you've got an overlarge hooded cloak on and are also walking with your head down, disaster is sure to strike. And it does, Nakama colliding with the girl almost instantly and falling backward onto her rear end.

She's on her feet in moments, though, bowing and speaking in a high-pitched, anxious voice.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't - I just - I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"


Just read your app. THESE TWO ARE TOO ALIKE XD roadstotheriver December 15 2011, 16:33:14 UTC
Lirael manages not to fall down, though she definitely stumbles a few steps, looking wide-eyed down at the girl. She might even have offered her hand for said girl to get to her feet, but she's too quick.

"Ah-- it's all right. I'm all right. I'm sorry, I was in your way, I wasn't looking where I was going...."


heee, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out, then! agoodfamily December 15 2011, 16:36:58 UTC
"No, no, I... I was distracted. It wasn't just your fault at all."

She tugs her cloak a little more closely around herself, glancing back over the streets of Odin's district before looking back at the girl.

"Um - are you from this district?"


Odin a_civil_service December 15 2011, 17:16:58 UTC
[He's in his home district at the moment, taking a walk to clear his mind. He may be occupied with his own thoughts, but he notices the woman and her obvious nervousness. One can tell the Travelers from the natives, and he doesn't like the thought of any of them being in distress.

He approaches slowly, not wanting to alarm her further.]

Good afternoon. [He doesn't want to point out that he's noticed her discomfiture.] Are you visiting this district, perhaps?


agoodfamily December 15 2011, 17:28:36 UTC
[Luckily she sees him coming, so she doesn't startle too badly. He's not local, but he is... a very striking figure, so she's still visibly intimidated.]

Um, yeah. [Wrapping her arms around her middle, the edges of her cloak tucked into her palms.] I was just... exploring. Figuring out where everything is. Y'know?


a_civil_service December 15 2011, 20:56:05 UTC
A sensible course of action. [He inclines his head. Her continued anxiety doesn't go unnoticed, but he continues not to acknowledge it.]

I reside here. [He doesn't wish to participate in this--"social experiment", for want of a better term, but his years as a visible public servant are hard to ignore. His manner isn't particularly warm, but he is mannerly.] I could give you a tour, if you like. I've recently arrived myself, but I've familiarized myself with the area.


agoodfamily December 16 2011, 13:25:44 UTC
[Mannerly is good for her, and being called 'sensible' even tugs a tiny smile out of her. Not dull or overly serious, but sensible. It's nice.]

Oh - um - are you sure you don't mind? If you've got something else to do...


Sigyn fanged_wings December 16 2011, 05:36:29 UTC
[Even though the locals creep him out somewhat, Akito's determined to help this place however he can. That means dealing with them and getting used to this place. So he skates on through Sigyn's district, AT whirring quietly. He wonders if someone around would have parts he could use for his AT...or tools, at least.

He spots the girl after a little while, blinking for a bit before recognising her] Nakama-chan? Is that you? [Why is she all hunched over like that? He skates over, peering up at the taller girl] Are you okay, ne?


agoodfamily December 16 2011, 13:27:36 UTC
[At the sound of her name, she throws off the hood of her cloak and glances around sharply, only relaxing when she recognises a head of blue hair. She makes a quick note of the eyepatch - still in the same place, so it's the boy she knows - then forces a rather false smile.]

Oh... Akito, hi. Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just - exploring.


fanged_wings December 17 2011, 07:42:03 UTC
Neh...are you sure? [He's worried, as he always is. He'll leave it be after a moment, but he wants to make sure]


agoodfamily December 17 2011, 10:22:25 UTC
This district is pretty. [Glancing around.] I like some of the other districts. I just... [Swallowing hard.] ... I feel funny when I'm in them.


heimdall! veritates December 16 2011, 08:00:34 UTC
[ just as they'd agreed, souji arrives at nakama's house to have coffee. they hadn't really agreed on the time, so he comes in the afternoon when she'll hopefully be around. if she isn't, he'll simply hang around the building snooping around and trying to see what's there. thinking back, he's not quite sure what he's here to do... but meeting someone he's talked to so much in person seems like a good idea.

and he's getting coffee out of it, so why not? ]


agoodfamily December 16 2011, 13:35:29 UTC
[She never would've imagined she could be so happy to see this strange house that has become her new residence. In fact, as soon as she crossed the borders into Heimdall, it felt as though a thousand pounds of weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She bursts through the door, shaking loose snow off of her cloak and boots, and lets out a long, shuddering sigh. It's an odd thought in this odd place, but - she's home.

Then she makes her way into the living room and notices a familiar head of silvery hair - he's taller than she expected, probably almost a foot taller than her ((she's 5' even, and google gave me 5'11 for him)), and somehow manages to have that same nice, non-threatening presence in person. Trying to shake off the harrowed, anxious air from her travels and not quite succeeding, she walks over and looks up at him with one of her prim little smiles.]

Souji, hi. I hope you weren't waiting too long.


veritates December 16 2011, 18:39:07 UTC
[ souji was fairly accustomed to the strange feeling that accompanied entering another god house by now, though it was still a bit oppressive all the same. nonetheless, he did his best to not show any sign of discomfort, though he looks a bit relieved when he hears nakama's voice and turns to face her. he raises a hand in a slight wave, before shaking his head. ]

I just got here.

[ while the bracelets and their video function was certainly useful, there was definitely a different feeling to meeting someone in person. ] Did you see anything interesting? [ he can only assume she was out exploring. ]


agoodfamily December 16 2011, 21:06:37 UTC
It was... um... [She fiddles with her bracelet for a moment, then looks back up with another insincere smile.] I'm just gonna go change into some dry clothes, okay? I'll meet you in the kitchen, if that's alright?


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