
Dec 28, 2011 22:59

What: Open powers and abilities training log!
When: Forward dated slightly to Day 13, around noon.
Where: The grounds of the Heimdall house.
Rating: PG-13 or so for potential violence/minor self-harm for testing powers/language.

Cut for ooc notes. )

conan edogawa, castiel, john watson, lirael, sam winchester, laurent, kaz

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wingsandwill December 29 2011, 04:03:29 UTC
Castiel, despite his assurances during his post, wasn't all that certain this idea was going to be a success. It greatly depended on who showed up, whether they had any sort of experience using powers before, and just how difficult these were to figure out.

He really hadn't had much of a chance to test his own at all yet, due to the necessity of someone to test on, which had been his main reason for his post to begin with. Hopefully he'd get a chance to try it, and attempt to develop it into something useful.

He watched, quiet as usual, leaning against post of the handrails leading up to the porch of the Heimdall house. Now to see who showed up.

[ooc edit: Herp derp forgot to say Cas is in Heimdall with the Damage Drain ability.]


roadstotheriver December 29 2011, 06:13:33 UTC
Lirael hadn't replied to Castiel's network post-- she didn't reply to very many network posts at all, actually-- but she was perfectly happy to come along, once she found out from Conan when it was happening, and possibly try her magic out. She was early, too, and approached Castiel with a very obvious case of nerves: she had her head down and her (singular) hand clasped tightly in her surcoat, though she'd actually tied her long hair back so that it wasn't hanging in her face.

And she stood a yard or two away, trying to get him to notice her so she wouldn't have to talk. She was half-afraid she'd be turned away, since she didn't RSVP, as it were.


wingsandwill December 30 2011, 00:50:10 UTC
Castiel did notice her, and he actually recognized the tactic too; he used it often himself, though less out of nerves and more for simple lack of desire to initiate conversations. But he does so this time, focusing his gaze on her and speaking quietly and evenly. "Hello."


roadstotheriver December 30 2011, 07:07:32 UTC
Looking up a little at him, through lashes since she couldn't look at him through her hair, Lirael answered shyly, "Hello... um, sir. I'm Lirael. Conan Edogawa told me about this, and it seemed like, um... a good idea. If you don't mind."

At least he didn't look like he was annoyed. Just... like he was quiet.


wingsandwill December 31 2011, 01:57:51 UTC
"Of course." Castiel said immediately, unbothered. The more people, the better their information and results might be. "Which house are you in?"


roadstotheriver December 31 2011, 02:02:55 UTC
"Um. Hel? My power is--" Relieved and glad to be talking about the practical things, Lirael loosed her surcoat at last and held up her hand. The shadow it cast on the ground trembled, wriggled, and then pulled up into something serpent-like, a great S that reached up to Lirael's waist, an extension of the rest of her shadow. "--is moving shadows. But I'm willing to help others, too."


wingsandwill December 31 2011, 03:27:47 UTC
Castiel watched in fascination, looking a bit more engaged than he had before. "That is an extremely interesting ability." He's never seen anything like it, even at home, and that's difficult for him to say.


roadstotheriver December 31 2011, 06:41:13 UTC
"It's better than the other Hel house ability," Lirael had to admit, reaching down to try and touch her "creation", but she still didn't have the trick of making it solid, so her fingers just sank through. "I'm not sure quite what it's good for, but it's... fun to play around with."

The shadow-serpent slithered around, to the silent pressure of her will, to encircle Castiel's feet and make a puppy-like motion with its head that seemed to be begging for petting.


wingsandwill January 2 2012, 04:00:42 UTC
"What is the other?" He didn't know much about the Hel house or it's powers, and it was true this one wasn't all that useful as far as he could tell, but perhaps it would become so later with more training.

He watched the shadow curl around, curious, but didn't make a move to attempt to touch it.


roadstotheriver January 3 2012, 03:16:44 UTC
"Controlling someone else's body, directly," Lirael answered, her voice disapproving. "It sounds very dangerous and easily abused, to me. I much prefer this power." She called the shadow-serpent back and released the power, letting the strip of darkness meld back into her own shadow.

"What do you do?" she asked, finally feeling bold enough to ask.


wingsandwill January 3 2012, 23:22:04 UTC
Oh. Yeah, that sounded like an unpleasant power, at least for the subject; Castiel was wary instantly, not of Lirael but in general now that he knew this power existed. He'd been recently possessed before arriving here, and it wasn't something he wanted to repeat.

"Do you know who has this power?" Names, he meant, considering she surely knew of this power from someone who had it.

"I can drain injury from another individual." Apparently, at least. He had yet to test the ability, since Sam was being difficult.


roadstotheriver January 4 2012, 02:32:38 UTC
"My friend does, but I trust him with it," Lirael said. "Some of the others in Hel, I don't know which for certain-- I... I don't really speak with them much."

Not that she spoke with anyone at all much, besides Conan and Nakama and the librarians, but she made a point not to with most of Hel. They just made her uncomfortable.

"Would you like to practice? Since that's what everyone is here for...."


wingsandwill January 4 2012, 07:08:42 UTC
"Who is your friend?" Out of curiosity and keeping tabs on who has the ability, and noting who might be dangerous with it and who might not.

He nodded at her question, but gave her a serious look. "You are aware of what it entails." Before, even just a few months ago, he wouldn't have cared to make sure. But he felt he should now; he didn't want anyone harmed for his sake, even minorly, without their full understanding and agreement.


roadstotheriver January 5 2012, 06:16:26 UTC
After giving him a mildly suspicious look for a moment, there, Lirael finally decided that he didn't mean any harm by the question, so she answered. "Conan Edogawa. He's a little boy, and a friend."

And in answer to his other question, she pulled her shiny new knife from the belt sheath she'd made for it, and showed it to him. She wasn't going to cut herself badly, but his powers probably weren't very strong yet, anyway.


wingsandwill January 8 2012, 00:40:34 UTC
He nodded slightly; Castiel didn't really treat children differently than adults, but he had no reason to suspect this person yet, so it's simply filed away as knowledge for the future. When she pulled the knife and showed it, he understood that she indeed knew what she would need to do.

"Alright. It need only be minor."


roadstotheriver January 10 2012, 16:27:42 UTC
"Of course." Lirael took the dagger to her wrist stump-- the only thing that was easily cut-able, really, when one only had one hand and didn't want to end up limping all afternoon-- and left a line of blood along the lightly scarred tissue there. "There." She offered it in Castiel's direction, to see what he could do with it.


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