Dec 14, 2011 04:19

Hello Everyone! Tosshi here, with several points to cover.

First things first, as I already talked about in a mod plurk a couple of hours ago, I'd like to reiterate that the mods are here if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. It's a big game and a new one, so there are going to be bumps in the road or overlooked information as far as our systems go, so if we didn't explain something already elsewhere, just ask! If you think we have an issue we should fix in the system, you can tell us that too. We're open to both positive and negative feedback from our players, as it helps us to grow into a better game. We can't guarantee that we can or will follow every suggestion, but we'll do our best to accommodate everyone as much as we can. We can always be reached via LJPM or anything listed on the mod contact page. There's also a suggestions page, where you can leave any suggestions or plot ideas.

Our openness here also applies to conflicts between players. If there's a problem that needs mediating or may in the future, please let us know. We want Asgard to be a comfortable place for every one of our players, therefore we need to know when there's an issue, so that it can be monitored and dealt with if necessary. So far you've all been wonderful to us as mods and to each other as players, and we really hope this friendly atmosphere continues!

That said, I'll move on to the other things we need to address. First of all, the taken list has been split into three sections alphabetically. There are enough characters now that it was just too many to list on one page! Those of you who already commented to the main page and are waiting to be added don't need to re-comment. However, everyone should double-check to make sure their characters are on the taken list with no mistakes! If there is a problem, comment and let us know.

Secondly, the Houses & Powers page has been updated to include somewhat extended house descriptions. This is highly recommended reading. We've noticed that there's been some misunderstanding of what a few of the houses stand for (especially Heimdall), leading people to put their characters in houses that may fit by a stretch, but aren't really accurate. Because of this, we are giving everyone the one-time option to switch God Houses. OOCly, that should be done by replying to the House Change comment in this entry. ICly, characters who have already intro'd will just wake up in their new house next time they sleep, with their bracelet having changed color and all of their belongings exactly where they left them -- only in a different room. Consider it jealousy of the gods -- they saw people they thought fit them in someone else's House and commandeered them.

THIRD, the schedule has been updated to include January, and you may notice a couple of changes for the rest of December too. The event scheduled for this weekend (Starting Friday the 16th and ending Sunday the 18th) has been named, and we've added a one-day event on December 31. Information is under the cut!

Day Six (Wednesday & Thursday) will see heavy snowfall over the city. Starting light in the morning, it'll get thicker and thicker -- but always a pleasant snowfall. It's not too windy, and the bright stars on the snow and clouds will make for an unusually bright night -- which is good, because the street lamps won't be turning on. It's a beautiful night to play in the snow, and even the dull grey world might seem a little magical.

The sun will rise on Day Seven to a good 22" / 55cm of snow, and a few new neighbors that are much more animated than the rest of the city residents. Each District will have a snowman wandering about, and it isn't just any snowman -- it's a talking, moving snowman who wants nothing more than the attention of its House Travellers. Give them what they want, and you'll be rewarded. Each district has a different snowman with a different task, so check out the list below to see what yours is like.

Odin District has a very puzzling snowman. He looks like a traditional snowman, with a top hat, a carrot nose, coal for eyes and buttons for a smile. When he sees a House member, he'll immediately strike up a friendly conversation, and then ask the character to solve a riddle. The riddles vary, but are usually of the "what am I" type. Some examples of those can be found here. When the riddle is answered, the character will be given a wrapped present containing a nice, warm hat (what it looks like is up to you!).

Thor District has a snowman with a temper. He's got large wooden rods for arms and is made more of solid ice than of snow. Upon seeing House members, he'll instantly find something infuriating about them and begin to insult them. Characters who respond with violence will just continue to be insulted, but should a character weather his insults without attacking or leaving for an entire five minutes, he'll decide they aren't so bad and hand them a plain wooden box containing a jar of either cocoa mix, coffee, or tea, and a real silver mug.

Loki District's snowman is predictably devious. She has a pleasant voice and is smaller than the other snowmen, wearing a floppy hat and with no arms at all -- of course, she also has no face. House members that encounter her will be addressed very politely, and then asked to tell her a secret about themselves. Should the secret be good enough to impress her, she'll tell them one in return -- about another character. This snowman actually knows everything about everyone, so the secrets she tells don't have to be ones told to her previously, or even about Loki House members. Make sure to ask before having your character learn another's secret.

Sigyn District gets a very kind snowman. He's dressed rather like a beggar, and that he is. He'll ask the House Members to bring him something warm. Bring him a hot drink, warm food, or even a cozy piece of clothing or blanket, and he'll give you a basket of luxury foods -- what's in it is up to you, but make sure it'd fit in a smallish (12-18 inch across, four inch deep) basket.

Hel District will be treated to a gloomy snowman made of rather dirty snow, with bits of leaves and twigs sticking out of her here and there. She'll be crying, and she'll ask House members for a smile. Should the character smile nicely for her, she'll reward them with a small silver knife that will never grow dull. Should they ignore her, she'll return to crying. If they are outright mean to her, though, the character will soon find themselves under the effects of a rather nasty head cold that'll last the rest of the day.

Heimdall District's snowman is very big (8'/245cm), and speaks like a snooty, wealthy man. He'll demand for any House member to find the missing button from his fancy coat (it will be missing no matter how many times it's found), which will be lying somewhere not too hard to find within sight of the snowman. Bring it back, and he'll give you a single silver rune.

Freyr District has quite the artist of a snowman. Though she is all white (her beret and scarf and even the pretty stones that make her face are as white as the snow she's made of), she carries a palette of brightly coloured paints, and she'll call over any House member to pose for her. It only takes about ten minutes for her to finish the painting, and when it's done she'll give it to them -- along with a beautiful, amazingly soft white scarf with clear crystals embroidered like flowers into the ends.

Freya District's snowman is quite the charmer. She's flirty and elegantly made, and she'll flatter House members quite a bit. After a couple of minutes, she'll ask for a kiss. Should the character kiss her (on the lips!), she'll give them a scented envelope containing a coupon for an entire day at Folkvang, including access to all of their services.

Baldr District has a snowman that fits right in. He's full of himself, and will always start an interaction with a House Member by bumping into them. Following that, he'll disdainfully demand that they apologise and compliment him. If the characters refuse, he'll give them a good wallop upside the head and leave. Should they convincingly praise him, however, he'll calm down and give them a pair of warm, soft gloves.

All quests can be repeated by as many characters as necessary. Come noon of Day Eight, all of them will have disappeared as if they were never their at all -- but their presents remain. Snowmen react to being attacked by running away (except Thor's, which just stands there), and anything that does land will do no damage, just like the maids.

On December 31 (after sunset on Day 14), the sky above the city will erupt -- suddenly, there are fireworks everywhere, with no sign of where they've come from. At the same time, the castle plaza gates will open (though the gates into the castle will not), revealing a party set-up like no other. Banquet tables here and there are covered in fine food and drink from every world imaginable, music plays right from the air, and there's set ups for a dance floor (complete with lighting effects), card games, a dunking booth (which your character may suddenly find themself in at any time while at the party), and various other carnival games with stuffed animal prizes.

The log for this will go up a week early, on the 25th, so people have time to play. More details will be announced at that time!

As a last note, we are almost done with apps, and rooming will be done when they're all in (to account for people changing houses as well). A note about the app process for next round will go up closer to the date, probably once reserves open (on Dec 25). Thanks for your cooperation, and we hope you're enjoying the game so far!

!event, !mod post

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