[multipart] Scientific Progress Goes "Whoops": Cats and Bags [3/5]

Aug 04, 2008 11:33

Title: Cats and Bags
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou!
Characters/Pairings: Yuuri, Murata, Gwendal; mentions of Yozak/Murata
Genre: Fluff
Words: 622
Notes: Damn thing ran away with me...

Part 1: Tea for Two
Part 2: Home Again, Home Again

"Um... Murata?"

The Sage looked up from reviewing some of the agreements in Shibuya's "to sign" pile. At the far end of the table, Sir von Voltaire tackled his own half of the pile. But the man had looked over when Shibuya spoke up, currently hovering by Murata's left shoulder. Never let it be said the Maou didn't provide interesting distractions. "Yes, Shibuya?"

The young king fidgeted. "Got a sec?"

Murata raised an eyebrow, slightly bemused. "Since you seem to," he replied. Shibuya's eyes narrowed as he thought, then he rolled them in irritation and stuck out his tongue.

"Jerk," he said mildly, the tension in his face abating a little. It seeped back in as Murata looked at him expectantly. "Well, um... I just had a question... um..."

"It is very possible I have the answer, you know." Murata rested his chin on one hand and felt the quill's feather tickle his cheek. "I have lots of practice."

Another eye roll. "I know you're making fun of me."

"Of course not," the Sage said blithely. "I'm helping."

"Sometimes I don't know why you're my friend."

Murata grinned oh-so-innocently. "Awww, it's because you love me, Shibuya."

The king sputtered. "I do NOT," he shot back, flailing a little. "And about that, are you and Yozak a thing?"

Shibuya rarely managed to completely blindside Murata, but when he did, he really did. The Sage blinked several times, and heard a sound to his right that sounded distinctly like a palm smacking a forehead. Thank heaven Sir von Voltaire already knew, because otherwise Murata really would have started to panic. Shibuya could be dissuaded with careful damage control. He gave Shibuya a confused smile. "Where did you get that idea?"

His friend blushed. "Um... I kind of saw you..."

Must. Not. Panic. "Did you, now?"

Shibuya pressed a hand to his forehead as if reliving a horrific memory. "Y, yeah... you were k- k- k- ..."

Oh, for the love of... "Kicking cans?"

Yuuri glared at him. "Kissing."

Murata barely hid his wince. "Are you sure it was me you saw?" he asked, attempting a light tone. "Yozak is very popular. He probably kisses a lot of people."

Shibuya tweaked a lock of his hair and Murata batted his hand away. "I'm sure."

For a moment, Murata entertained the insane idea of going back to being blond. At least, then his hair couldn't ever give him away again. He squared his shoulders and glanced back down at his pile of papers. "Shibuya, don't you have work you should be doing?" He waved a hand at the small stack of things he'd already looked over. "If not, you can sign these."

The king made a frustrated sound. "Murata! I'm just worried about you!"

A dark eyebrow quirked. "Why on earth would you be worried?"

Shibuya went back to the fidgeting. "Be, because... well... Yozak's a spy. And he goes on lots of dangerous missions... and if you guys are a, a thing... you'll be sad if something happens to him."

Murata's protest died in his throat, and he just looked at Shibuya's pained expression. "Shibuya..."

"You're both guys, and that totally creeps me out." The other teen rubbed the back of his head. "But, if you're happy, then I guess it's okay."

The Sage stared at the paper in front of him for a moment, keenly aware of Sir von Voltaire's eyes on him, as well as Shibuya's. "... it isn't something we prefer to advertise," he said, eventually, grudgingly. He eyed Shibuya and his friend seemed ready to protest that, but instead just nodded.

"Secret's safe with me."

Murata sincerely doubted that, but he knew Shibuya would do everything he possibly could to try.

On to Part 4

multipart, series: science, pair: yozak/murata, fandom: kyou kara maou

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