FanExpo 2008 - I have found a new world.

Aug 25, 2008 02:16

I cannot describe in words how amazing this past weekend was at FanExpo. I've always had friends who are geeky, but they were born here in Canada, and they havent had much exposure to over the pond... but then I go to the FanExpo, not expecting to have anyone turn their head.... and then I'm recognized even before I get into the convention centre! :D

On Friday, the 22nd, I met the lovely and dashing Marion!

As I'm sure you can tell, I was Ten, and Marion was a very smashing Five! She was very kind, and gave me some celery!
Thank you Marion!

Time Paradoxes are fun! Two minutes to Belgium!

Onwards, the next day, I got up extra early to sign up for the masquerade, but I got there 20 minutes after open due to the train being delayed... and when I got there, it was all filled up :( (Probably for the best... I was no where near the calibur of these guys!) However! Later that night, being sleep deprived from waking up so early - I started dazing through about the mid-way mark of the show.... until I heard this:

I got to meet the lovely Tessa and Brian, dressed as a very awesome Series 4 Rose and a very amazing Captain Jack Harkness!

The dreamteam is all together! Ten, Jack, Rose and her BFG!

The final day, I was wandering around and all that - when I saw a dude dressed as Sheppard... and my God, he was amazing. This has got to be slash material right here!

The Sonic Screwdriver dosen't stand a chance aganist the gravitaional pull Shep's hair has.

And finally, the very kind Tessa and Brian were nice enough to grant me one last picture! :D I had probably driven them nuts with my fanboyish stalker qualities:

TWO Doctors? With ASTRID?! It must be Christmas! (A Christmas Special, that is...)

Thank you all so much for opening me up to a whole new world of cosplay, I had never really gotten involved thinking I would be in a minority - shows how wrong I was! I feel so privleged to have met you all, and I hope to see you all again sometime soon! This has truly be one of the best weekends I've had in awhile! :D

Much love and cookies to you all,


fanexpo, david, cosplay, dw_cosplay, maidm, tennant, piper, assetic, doctor, bille, who

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