Three nonfiction, one reread (fiction). Victory to the nonfiction resolution.
Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde (Alexis De Veaux): Nonfiction. Academic biography of a unique "black, lesbian, feminist, mother, poet warrior". Footnotes abound.
I love footnotes. )
Comments 8
In other news, I'm 366 pages into The Race Beat and it's rocking my world. There are more than 100 footnotes for some chapters, many to articles and other documents contemporaneous to the civil rights movement. Now that is satisfying nonfiction.
As a tangent, this is why I call BS on social and political sciences.
this reminds me of my recent experience reading about music psychology-- I found the more careful drier book waaaaaaaay more interesting and satisfying than the floofy pop one. Once work settles down maybe I'll get around to posting the rant on that one :)
Also, I remain unconvinced by the "vast right-wing conspiracy". Either it's a conspiracy, and has connotations of small group activity, or it's vast, and therefore isn't a conspiracy. I would be more impressed by about 300 pages illustrating the vast Republican Party machine of fear and intimidation than a few sweeping statements and catch-phrases. Yeah, the GOP's probably corrupt, but how much better are the Dems?
Anyway. Politics make me mad and stupid and a little self-contradictory.
I look forward to reading about your music psych book experiences - I think I'm with you on the dry-and-careful vs pop. If I want fluff or floof, I will read that new Laurie King novel I got from the library.
...yeah. Politics makes me want to roll my eyes and beat my head against the wall. Mostly because it is filled with people who, while otherwise rational, argue in extremely annoying and impassioned ways about subjects for which not enough data exists (or can be twisted both ways!) to justify a clear-cut solution, plus which those arguing are almost always starting from a different set of assumptions (both factual and "what-we-think-is-important") but don't realize it, thus complicating the whole mess.
Um. Not that politics makes me mad either, or anything. :)
Somehow I've landed in a situation where about half the people I know and respect are conservatives, and the other half are liberals. Makes it kind of hard to demonize either side...
Somehow I've landed in a situation where about half the people I know and respect are conservatives, and the other half are liberals. Makes it kind of hard to demonize either side...
You are doing what I want to be doing. I keep getting hung up by a "conservative <=> Republican <=> that incompetent in the Executive branch" chain of association. This is unfair, but a recognizable consequence of hanging out in Liberal Central (college, Maryland, etc). I refuse in the abstract to throw out an entire political party worth of people, but I need to educate myself so I'm not as ignorant about where they're coming from.
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