Title: My Friend Earl Rating: PG Pairing: Chanyeol/Suho Summary: Whenever Chanyeol finds a snail, he takes it home and names it Earl. A/N: Idea completely dedicated to this person and their tags.
OMG THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL OMGGGGGGGGGGG TAKE MY HEART WOULD YA ;AAA; Despite of the ninja couple (lol this is my first time reading suho-chanyeol), the story is so omg I dunno how to call it haha it is so simpe, just simple crush and had happy ending (I'm tired of angst) but it touches me and so beautiful and it talked about rain (why is a story that talks about rain always so breath-taking like this ?) and everything makes me crazy lols the way you write and the way you explain the story are amazing too Here take my heart ♡
Chanyeol picking up snails and carrying them home xD SO CUTE AKJSHSHDKFHSKDH And Suho so kind and lovely <3
Chanyeol has his chin perched in the palm of his hand as he watched the rain skitter down the glass, silently rooting for one bead of water over another as they raced to their finish line at the bottom. I DID THAT TOO :D
I love how their friendship stays so constant during their years of growing up and transforms quietly and simply into love.
Comments 10
Despite of the ninja couple (lol this is my first time reading suho-chanyeol), the story is so omg I dunno how to call it haha it is so simpe, just simple crush and had happy ending (I'm tired of angst) but it touches me and so beautiful and it talked about rain (why is a story that talks about rain always so breath-taking like this ?) and everything makes me crazy lols
the way you write and the way you explain the story are amazing too
Here take my heart ♡
I'm glad you liked it. I totally rushed through and just went with what came to me. So I'm really glad someone likes it ;;
/takes care of your heart
And Suho so kind and lovely <3
Chanyeol has his chin perched in the palm of his hand as he watched the rain skitter down the glass, silently rooting for one bead of water over another as they raced to their finish line at the bottom.
I love how their friendship stays so constant during their years of growing up and transforms quietly and simply into love.
Beautiful story for a beautiful ship <3
and a big shout out to earl. can i comment one thing though? your journal is too dark author-nim,,my eyes hurt.. T___T
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