Picspam: "Creation" Trailer
picspammy's Challenge #11: Short Form
I just saw this trailer the other day, and it hit all of my criteria for an awesome trailer. It highlights the beautiful cinematography, shows off the awesome actors in it, and is edited in such a way that not only is the conflict of the film conveyed, one even invests emotionall in the less than two minutes of footage presented. (Also, married actors in films together makes me happy).
This picspam is kind of large, because I wasn't happy with how the beautiful images were looking when I sized them down. Trailer is embedded at the end.
Mr. Darwin, sir. It is time to start your book.
My title will be: On The Origin of Species.
Clear evidence of transformation, over millions of years. The Almighty can no longer claim to have authored every species in under a week. You've killed God, sir.
I implore you, please do not push him.
No one can push Charles.
I'm a scientist. I dare not study for the fear of seeing more clearly what is already as plain as day.
What are you so scared of? It's only a theory.
It changes everything. Suppose the whole world stopped believeing that God had any sort of plan for us. Apart from anything else it would break your mother's heart.
I think you are at war with Charles, and we both know it is a battle you cannot win.
Half the nation would cheerfully see you burned at the stake if they knew what you were writing, but you have friends too, and all of us are fighting the same battle.
Do you not care that you and I may be seperated for all eternity?
I've finished. You decide.
So you've finally made an accomplice of me.
And must do what you think is right.
Knowing everything I now know, I would marry you again tomorrow, my love.
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