... because RL sucks, and not in a positive, life-affirming way. So you know what? Behind the scenes pictures from Sherlock are exactly what I need today. Besides, I've been tempted to post at least a couple of these pics for *days* and I'm tired of resisting. All of these courtesy of PBS-Masterpiece:
Cuteness, shippiness and eye candy. These are spoiler-y so click at your own risk. )
Comments 26
You know what else helped a lot? Accepting an award wearing red shorts! I love him. I don't think I could love him more if I tried!! LOL! Also, yay for Benedict finally getting some recognition ;)
I just ... he was so perfect. lol I like to think that the camera thing was also a hint to what Cate Blanchet remarked at the SAG awards, about the camera scanning the women from bottom to top, but that might be me interpreting too much into it.
Anyway, it was funny as hell. Too bad it wasn't the birds shorts though ... lol
Loved Cate Blanchet's comment, btw. It would be great if the red shorts had something to do with that too. I am giggling at Tumblr since they have this weird thing with Mondays and red panties over there so now people are in heaven for it...lol!
"I Lili take you Benedict..."
I'm sure bigamy is legal somewhere...
Cumberbatch is too damn sexy for words. XD
I hope RL because less sucky soon. You deserve it.
Thank you hon, but my RL is not about to get any less sucky very soon. I shouldn't even be surprised. Last year ended on a sucky note, it was only fair of this one to begin pretty much the same way. I want to try and keep this journal drama free, though, 'cause I need a happy place...
If you ever need to vent away from LJ, hopefully you still have my email or you can always PM me.
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