yuugiou | kaiba/ishizu | 091. birthday: hourglass

Apr 04, 2009 19:57

Title: Blame The Immune System
Fandom: Yuugiou
Characters: Kaiba Seto, Ishizu Ishtar.
Prompt: 091. Birthday
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Her birthday, like most aspects of their relationship, was unconventional.
Author’s Note: Post engagement.

“How are you feeling?”

“Awful. I never wanted your birthday to turn out like this.”

She smiled sympathetically, smoothed down the disheveled hair that was a testament to just how sick he really was.

“It’s not your fault.”

He muttered something about having a terrible immune system before reaching over and seizing an envelope from his nightstand.

He handed it to her.

She looked at him.

He raised a brow.

She opened it.

“Tickets, Kaiba Seto?-to Egypt?”

“I have yet to be given a formal tour of my fiancée’s homeland,” he said unequivocally. “Would you do me the honor?”

fanfic100, fandom: yuugiou

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