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Comments 3

azzacanth July 18 2005, 15:06:40 UTC
if by azza you mean me, then the answer is I think so, it certainly appears to be a girlie house sparrow. Although without any size reference and without being able to see possible markings on the back of the head or wings its hard to say.

By the way did you know a livejournal friends page on which nearly noone but you posts is dialup-unfriendly? :/


asafyev July 18 2005, 22:34:05 UTC
with a name like girlie house it is no wonder he/she was scared of the caretaker.


azzacanth July 18 2005, 23:25:52 UTC
to clarify: the word girlie was used to indicate gender not the name of the bird. the bird would be merely House Sparrow.



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