[Update] Allah Sulu's Massive Tool version 3.5.1

Mar 06, 2009 19:07

There's a new version of
Allah Sulu's Massive Tool
available for download. New changes include:
  • The Massive Tool now comes with a standard Windows setup.exe installer, so that it will extract all of the files and create a shortcut on your
    start menu for you. Just double-click on the setup.exe file. This should make installs and updates easier.
  • I added a "Count…" command to the Search menu. It simply tells you how many times a given text string appears in your document without making any changes. As with the "Find…" and "Replace…" commands, you can use the "Match Case" checkbox to turn case sensitivity on and off.
  • The "Date/Time…" option has been removed from the Insert menu. A macro with the identical function (named INSERT-DATETIME) can be found in commands.rim (see below).
  • I simplified the "Font Size" options on the HTML menu's "Font / Format…" screen. Now there are only two methods of selection rather than three - there is the pull-down menu (with sizes, superscripts, headline codes, etc.) and there is the numeric selector where you set the size based on a number and a unit of measure (pixels, point size, percentage, etc.) Any selection on the first option (the pull-down menu) overrides the second option (the numeric selection). To use the numeric selector, make sure that the pull-down menu to its left is empty (the top menu item). This is easier than having to click buttons to select which option is dominant, and the number of options was reduced by sticking the headline codes (which were a third, separate pull-down menu option) onto the bottom of the first pull-down.
  • The reason I did that was to make room on the "Font / Format…" screen for a new Font Stack option. When you click on the "Stack" checkbox, the two normal font controls (a button and a pull-down menu) are replaced with a single, wider pull-down menu. The menu contains a number of predefined font stacks (either from this page or created/modified by me), each of which starts with a short description (up to 15 alphanumeric characters) of the stack. Right now there are ten stacks available (evenly divided between serif and sans-serif selections, with monospace and unicode options), but you can add more using the "Add Font Stack" option on the "Font / Format…" screen's Edit menu.
  • The ability to select monospace font options through the generic font face pull-down menu or the font stack pull-down menu has made the the "proportional / fixed width" button redundant. I removed it from the "Font / Format…" screen (which made the other buttons, "boldface" et al., wider). If you want to do preformatted text, you can still stick in
    or tags manually, or access them through the "monospace" option on the Insert menu's "Paragraph…" screen (depending upon what choice you've selected for "monospc") on the "Document" tab of the "Preferences…" screen on the Edit menu).
  • The "Post to LiveJournal…" command on the LJ will now warn you if you attempt to exceed LiveJournal's maximum entry limit of 65,535 bytes. (Thanks to
    porridgebird and
    the_stowaway for that one.)
  • There's another function which I added an update or two ago, in my continuing effort to more fully tie the editor and macro language together, but hadn't mentioned yet because I was still tweaking it. Assuming you have the "Macros" toolbar enabled (Edit → "Preferences…" → "Program" tab), run the macro named "commands.rim" (Macros → "Run Macro…") and then right-click on the "Run Macro" toolbar button (it's the one with a light bulb in front of a folder). You'll see a pull-down menu appear (but only for ten seconds) listing the FORTH aliases currently defined in memory. (There are normally none when you start up the Massive Tool, but commands.rim holds several common, simple ones.) Selecting any of the aliases causes them to execute and the pull-down menu to disappear; selecting none of them causes the menu to disappear in ten seconds. This is a quicker and easier way of accessing functions such as "uppercase", "rot13", etc.
  • There are a few more icons in allah_sulu.tmi, and a bunch more backgrounds in the Massive Tool as well. There have also been additional upgrades to the macro language (new functions include finding the median and standard deviation of a list of numbers - if this is useful to you, let me know and I'll explain how to do it), and new, improved versions of dl-images.rim and search.rim (I added TVtropes.org - a highly addictive site, I warn you).

I haven't done anything else about proxies yet; but then, none of you have said that you were having any problems with them, so it's dropped down on my list of priorities.

html/css, fonts, new update!, forth language, windows, livejournal

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