Over the weekend, I created a new macro for the Massive Tool at devils_sidekick's request, which I have added to the download archive in case anyone else might find it useful. It's called PHOTOBUCKET.RIM, and what it does is take a Photobucket page like this¹ and generate HTML code out of it for easy posting in LiveJournal, like this:
Note that the table is constructed using thumbnails; but if you click on any of the small images, it will open the larger image in another tab/window. Oh, and I also fulfilled evilgrins' request for an icon for his zombie community: Marvel Zombies. I'll be following up on this idea for a standalone program next. ¹I don't have a photobucket account of my own, so I selected the example page more-or-less at random. EDIT: On 21 May 2011, just ahead of the Rapture, I had to make some changes to PHOTOBUCKET.RIM to adjust for changes in Photobucket's code. The next Massive Tool update (version 3.6.3) ought to have the new version of PHOTOBUCKET.RIM included.