So, I decided to give myself a bit of a challenge. I decided that I was going to use the 12 Days of Christmas as a prompt and write a fic each day with the corresponding day in the song. So, today is "Partridge in a Pear Tree". Future fics probably won't be quite as literal with the topic. It will end on Christmas day with the last one going up then. Enjoy!
For Softpixels! Because I promised him the pairing! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
On the First Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me:
“Conner, isn’t that Ethan’s laptop?” Trent asked tiredly as he walked over to his boyfriend who was sitting with the computer in his lap. He wore a look that was determined, though frustration was starting to make it’s way through. He didn’t even glance up at Trent.
“Yep,” Conner answered.
“The same laptop that he claimed he’d kill you over if you touched it again?” Trent reminded him.
“Yep,” Conner answered again.
“So why are you using it?” Trent demanded and Conner shrugged.
“Because Hayley’s threats toward me using her computers were more extreme than Ethan’s,” he answered, almost sounding proud. Trent shook his head not about to ask exactly how Conner had managed to get his hands on it in the first place. “Besides, it was important.”
“How?” Trent asked wearily. Conner glanced up and grinned at him.
“Because I need to know why they decided to use a partridge in pear tree for the 12 Days of Christmas song,” Conner answered seriously and turned back to the computer. Trent blinked.
“What?” He demanded and Conner sighed, looking back up.
“Well, why a partridge? Why not a sheep in a barn or something? Hey Trent! You’re Catholic, do you know why?” Conner asked hopefully. Trent rolled his eyes.
“Conner, when was the last time you saw me go to Mass?” He asked and Conner shrugged. “Then why would I know?”
“Because Wikipedia said that Catholics celebrate it,” Conner answered. Trent closed his eyes, sighed, and looked back at the other.
“We’ve talked about this, Conner. Just because it’s on Wikipedia doesn’t make it absolute truth and even if it is truthful, just because it says Catholics celebrate it doesn’t mean I know how it’s celebrated,” Trent answered. “Did you try looking it up?”
“Yep,” he answered. “All it said was it was supposed to represent Jesus. Okay, that makes sense. But why a partridge? I still say a lion or a lamb or something would make more sense,” Conner answered, looking frustrated.
“Well, what about the pear tree part? You’re not upset over that?” Trent asked and Conner snorted.
“Nope. Pears are the best fruit. That makes perfect sense,” he answered and looked back at the screen. Trent reached over and closed the screen, gently taking it from him. “Trent!”
“It’ll be Christmas soon,” he reminded the other. “And if you keep looking, I’ll leave you to Christmas shop with your mom.”
Conner paled. “You know?” He started. “Partridges seem like a good bird.”
Trent reached over and gave him a quick kiss. “Good.”