Title: The Twice-Told Tale
realproofPairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Captain America/Iron Man)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: some violence, explicit sex, references to WWII
Word Count: 15,789
Summary: For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking
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Comments 14
I loved this. I love that the story unfolds gradually in such a way that the reader isn't aware of it, and the inevitable conclusion is almost as much of an "aha!" moment for us as it is for Tony. There's some beautiful symmetry in how the little things that establish and develops their relationship - the "Stark family resemblance", the discussion in the library - also ends up being the resolution to the story.
Also, time travel. I'm a sucker for stories with time travel. Someone take the Doctor Who fandom away from me.
TL;DR I adored this fic, it was all kinds of sweet and compelling. Thank you for sharing. <3
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