Captain Planet and Harry Potter: Sayra has a crackpot theory.

Jul 20, 2007 02:02

So I was reading The Half Blood Prince last night and I came up with a crackpot theory on how The Deathly Hallows might resolve itself.

So it Dumbledore keeps going on about how Harry’s power is LURVE, ok maybe not LURVE but definitely love, and I was wondering how he could use this ability to love and to be loved to his advantage and save the world/defeat the bad man. And then my mind turned to, of all things, Captain Planet (well more precisely the bit in the opening credits where the kid with the Heart ring thrusts his (her?) fist in the air and cries “and heart” and then Captain Planet or Gaia or someone comes and fights the evil pollution) and then to Buffy. In Captain Planet there are five kids with super secret crime fighting (decoder) rings that, when combined, have the power to call upon something stronger than they are individually. In Buffy a similar things happens in the fourth season episode ‘Primeval’ where Xander, Giles, Willow and Buffy combine in order to call upon the power of the First Slayer. See told you there was a link. So, taking these thoughts and very unimaginatively taking a step forward a bit I wondered if, in order to vanquish old Voldy, Harry would have to combine power in someway with his dear, dear friends and call on LOVE to make his big and strong and enough to beat old Voldy. So who then should he call, would he call? It would have to be someone he trusted so it could just be him, Hermione and Ron (“The Power of Three will set us Free” or however that goes). But, you know me, I need to think more, pedantically than that and look at the original ideas and see what elements they were combining. So let’s look at them.


The Elements.
Combined gives Captain Planet

Harry has to be the centre, has to be Captain Planet in this scenario. I think it only logical that Ginny be Heart (if his power is based in love then Ginny is a prime candidate for inclusion), Ron be Fire (his hair and his temper) and Hermione be Air (Intellect). As for the other two I propose Luna be Water (Luna-> Moon-> tides-> water) and Neville be Earth (Herbology, solid, grounded). The reason I added in these two is because they are the non Weasley, Order and future Weasley (aka Hermione- I can ship) friends that have already proven themselves willing to stand and fight with Harry and because they are his friends.


The Elements
Manus…The Hand

(I love the Buffy Dialogue Database, so helpful)
So this time there’s only room for four so how to split it. When Harry is the Chosen One aka Buffy so he needs to be “Mans…The Hand” and Hermione’s the clever one so she’ll be “Sophus…Mind”. Ginny’s his LURVE interest so she’s be “Animus…Heart” and that leaves “Spiritus…Spirit” for Ron, which kind of fits in that he is spirited

But then, when I’d gotten to this point, I had an even more cracktastic idea (why yes it is 2am and I am quite tired, I stayed up all night last night reading HP6 and slept for about 4 hours this morning, that’s why I am so very… crwacky today). They make a big deal of there being 7 Horcruxes and 7 being the most powerfulist magical number and I thought, maybe they need 7 people united against Voldy, working because of love (if not love for each other then love for someone who Voldy is imminently threatening to harm) and because I really, really want him redeemed and not evil I thought of our dear, disaffected, Draco. Of course that lead me to the problem of where the hell he would fit on any list and how they would all trust each other and “ahhh”. Putting that to one side I decided the aim of the spell, of defeating old Voldy, should be the return to equilibrium, or balance, and therefore with a little tweaking we can come up with the following final list:

Fire--- Ron
Air--- Hermione
Heart--- Ginny
Light--- Harry
Dark--- Draco.

So there’s my wacky theory, posted the night before the book comes out, and now I must sleep.

(Of course a wackier theory would be defeating the bad guy through forgiveness. Bah. Harry can redeem Snape through forgiveness though)


fandom: cracktastic theory, franchise: harry potter (book 7), franchise: harry potter, tv show: buffy, tv show: captain planet

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