Challenge 004.

Mar 22, 2006 11:52

For this challenge, team work is not required.

For the writers:
» The prompt: is a thirty second video clip taken from the movie Firelight.
» The challenge: Substitute any sga characters for the woman and the man in the video - meaning you don't have to stick to the same genders, you can have two women, or two men, or keep a woman and a man - and transpose this scene into the sga space and time. Include the scene at some point in your fic. You can choose to ignore the little girl or not. If you decide not to, then replace her by a third sga character (who doesn't have to be a child). Additional guidelines about fics or posting are here.

first try at using the video feature at Photobucket.
Tell me if it works fine for you.


For the fanartists:
» The prompt: Realm of Dryads by trinityofone. Written for slodwick’s “A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words” challenge at picfor1000.
» The challenge: Use the fic as an inspiration and create one or more of the following: icons, collage, wallpaper, poster or video trailer. Additional guidelines about art or posting are here.

special thank you to trinityofone


If you'd like to enter or have any questions, please comment to this post.

Once you're done, post your work in the community (link can go to your personal journal), and remember to tag the entry. Feel free to post your fic or art in other relevant communities but remember to mention that it was done for this challenge.

admin: challenges, 004 - firelight's realm

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