Ch014 - Story 03 - What Dreams

Nov 12, 2008 15:25

Title: What Dreams
Pairing: None (some one-sided John/Rodney)
Rating: PG
Plot: John's mind is a jumbled mess at the best of times, and, on Atlantis, it's rarely the best of times. He tries to keep track of everything that's thrown at him while things spiral completely out of his control.

Authors: aesc, darkmoore, oxoniensis and sardonicsmiley.
Artists: clear_as_blood, beet, and thisissirius.

What Dreams )

pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, author: darkmoore, author: aesc, 014 - round robin, artist: beet, author: oxoniensis, artist: clear_as_blood, artist: thisissirius, author: sardonicsmiley

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Comments 8

danceswithgary November 12 2008, 15:03:42 UTC
Very cool - dreaming about dreaming about dreaming. I think I'm feeling a little Escher-like now. :-D


raiining November 13 2008, 00:20:54 UTC
Woah, very weird. Interesting! and the art is very well done. :)


jessebee November 13 2008, 03:06:02 UTC
Oh, this is bizarre! Very cool. \o/


outsideth3box November 13 2008, 04:07:40 UTC
I really liked this. And I flat-out loved Carter not doubting Rodney's experience of seeing what John was seeing. That would realistically reflect her own "impossible" experiences with SG-1.

Tha artwork is lovely, too, perfectly dreamlike, while still being confusingly real to the eye. It very much suits the story. Layers of reality and unreality over top each other.


almostnever November 13 2008, 06:28:49 UTC
Fantastic art! And dizzying recursive story.


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