Ch014 - Story 08 - Everything John Never Wanted to Know about the Wraith, and Rodney [...]

Nov 08, 2008 17:23

Title: Everything John Never Wanted to Know about the Wraith, and Rodney Should have been Afraid to Ask
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: R/NC17
Spoilers: Mention of events in Outcast.
Plot: Naked Wraith World is nothing whatsoever like Rigel 4. And John is not Kirk.

Authors: oxoniensis, propinquitine, and hyperfocused.
Artists: nightingaledies, le_mot_mo, clear_as_blood and unamaga.

Everything John Never Wanted to Know about the Wraith, and Rodney Should have been Afraid to Ask )

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, author: propinquitine, artist: nightingaledies, 014 - round robin, author: hyperfocused, author: oxoniensis, artist: clear_as_blood, artist: le_mot_mo, artist: unamaga

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Comments 19

oxoniensis November 8 2008, 16:54:24 UTC
Oh, wow, I am so in love with that artwork - I love it at all stages, and the finished piece is just seamless. So fantastic to see what you came up with for this story!


nightingaledies November 10 2008, 00:34:14 UTC
Since we're pimping, I am not sure where all the sga communities are. But I posted on Atlantis_slash", mcshep_otp, sheppard_hc, mckay_sheppard, and atlantean_art

I hope that is okay--?

If you know any other sga art communities, let me know. *sheepish smile*


nightingaledies November 10 2008, 00:34:45 UTC
oxoniensis November 10 2008, 00:41:16 UTC
Wow, that's fantastic.

I meant to get in touch with you, but I got tied up in closing up a different challenge, and then didn't get around to it. I don't really know many SGA communities, so I just linked it on sga_noticeboard. But if you know of another fic community it should go on, I can do that as well.

And congrats on the art - I love what you did with the wraith, and the mood of the piece.


ca_pierson November 8 2008, 17:19:26 UTC
I love the way John tries to distract Rodney with sex before he actually communicates and the artwork is beautifully done, I especially like the colours of the finished piece.


busaikko November 8 2008, 22:42:29 UTC
That's great! A story that skims the edge of both crack and angst, John-backstory that makes me ache fo him as a child, and gorgeous, evolving artwork that tells the story so well -- I'm really impressed! Fantastic work, all of you!


le_mot_mo November 9 2008, 13:44:36 UTC
I'm so happy that I finally got to read how the story turns out. I was so curious about John's reason why he couldn't go back to the planet of the naked Wraith, but the reason wasn't revealed yet in the second part of the story. What a wonderful read!

I simply adore the way the artwork turned out in the end. When I received nightingaledies's artwork from round 1, I fell in love with the naked wraith. It was so beautifully done. And the final product is simply gorgeous. It was a pleasure working with you guys. :o)


nightingaledies November 10 2008, 01:40:22 UTC
Awe, thanks! I'm glad my art inspired and made you love naked wraith *snickers*. Oh, I agree, the final is nothing like I thought it would be--it is beyond beautiful!


le_mot_mo November 10 2008, 09:05:40 UTC
God yes-- you totally turned me on to naked wraith. Thanks a lot. :oD *g*


nightingaledies November 10 2008, 23:45:19 UTC
Mwhahahaha! That makes me so happy. I'm not the only one anymore. You are welcome--I love what you did. the blue bg is pretty.

*more evil laugh* NAKED WRAIIIIITH!


hyperfocused November 10 2008, 01:49:43 UTC
I admit, I lost some sleep worrying about the naked Wraith, and trying to make what should have been four parts work with three. But judging from the finished product (oh my god, the art is gorgeous!) I needn't have. Thanks, everyone!


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