Ch014 - Story 02 - A Three-for-Two Special, Thursdays, After Six

Nov 06, 2008 15:12

Title: A Three-for-Two Special, Thursdays, After Six
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: R
Plot: (Earthside AU set in 1985) Atlantis Mall: Your Destination for Family-Friendly Shopping Since 1976!

Authors: hyperfocused, ca_pierson, siriaeve and sheafrotherdon.
Artists: clayeer, aesc, strivaria and nightingaledies.

A Three-for-Two Special, Thursdays, After Six )

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, artist: nightingaledies, artist: aesc, 014 - round robin, author: hyperfocused, author: sheafrotherdon, artist: clayeer, artist: strivaria, author: siriaeve, author: ca_pierson

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Comments 35

nightingaledies November 6 2008, 16:51:28 UTC
I still can't believe Rodney and John dressed up like Barney and Baby Bop. The story was well-written and--oh so funny. I am half in love with Cadman and her shop. XD

clayeer, aesc, and strivaria did great jobs!


hyperfocused November 6 2008, 23:20:45 UTC
They did great jobs, and so did you! There's nothing as satisfying as seeing art for what one has just had in her head. Thank you!


le_mot_mo November 6 2008, 18:27:09 UTC
Love love love the story. It's very original and fun to read. The artwork is gorgeous and everyone really added something new and original to the mix. I love the original drawing and the colours that were added in the different steps. Great work! :o)


busaikko November 6 2008, 21:46:33 UTC
\o/ Yay, it's great to see this up! Great AU idea taken to wild extremes--it's sweet and it's crack, what more could you ask for?

I have to admit to being very, very curious about the artwork, and it's lovely. Love the art deco stained glass -- and the terible mall-employee uniforms, and all the funny little things that keep appearing in the background.


hyperfocused November 6 2008, 23:22:09 UTC
Thank you for being such a terrific beta! This came out thrillingly.


ca_pierson November 6 2008, 22:33:04 UTC
Wow, the artwork for this one is amazing, just like how the story ended up!

I adore the end, it - and everything in between - was all I was hoping for when I set out to write in round 2. *sends hugs to hyperfocused, siriaeve, sheafrotherdon, clayeer, aesc, strivaria, nightingaledies and busaikko* Amazing what we all did together. Really, really amazing.


jessebee November 6 2008, 23:17:10 UTC
This is deeply, seriously cool. *applaudes*


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