012 - Unspoken - fic and art remix by sardonicsmiley and le_mot_mo

Jul 28, 2008 19:25

Title: Unspoken
Author: sardonicsmiley
Artist: le_mot_mo
Challenge: 012 - Second Chances
Story rating: PG-13
Art rating: NC-17
Characters: Atlantis, McKay/Sheppard
Summary: Sometimes John isn’t sure what to make of Atlantis and her chief scientist.
Disclaimer: We don't own SGA or its characters.

Author's notes: The story is a remix of Logical Solutions to Illogical Situations.

Artist's notes: The art is a remix of Love is in the air. I used one of the Manopoly pics, so the art is slightly NSFW! Just a warning.



Unspoken - Logical Solutions to Illogical Situations Remix

fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, 012 - second chances, artist: le_mot_mo, author: sardonicsmiley, art: collages

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