challenge 011: Dither by sheafrotherdon and aesc

Jul 16, 2008 17:46

Title: Dither
Art by: aesc
Story by: sheafrotherdon
Challenge: 011 - illustrative typography
Pairing: John/Rodney

.notes: Very vaguely NSF image? Warning, just in case :)

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fandom: stargate: atlantis, pairing: john/rodney, art: wallpapers, 011 - illustrative typography, author: sheafrotherdon, artist: aesc

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Comments 118

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sheafrotherdon July 16 2008, 22:04:14 UTC
It's a runaway train! ready to leap the tracks at a moment's notice! :D

Thank you, sweets!


cookiemom6067 July 16 2008, 23:54:14 UTC
I LOVE your icon............


aesc July 17 2008, 01:21:35 UTC
*flaps* I got the reply in my email notifications, so I thought I would butt in and say yay, thank you!!! That is one of mine :) :)


dovil July 16 2008, 22:01:03 UTC
I have exploded with happiness. :D


sheafrotherdon July 16 2008, 22:04:30 UTC
*mops up with many paper towels* :D


such_heights July 16 2008, 22:03:34 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


sheafrotherdon July 16 2008, 22:04:46 UTC
awww, hearts that grow three sizes! Thank you, sweets!


sorchasilver July 16 2008, 22:06:41 UTC
Oh, Rodney! *adores*


sheafrotherdon July 16 2008, 22:07:47 UTC
He's the little overthinker that could :D

Thank you, sweets!


lamardeuse July 16 2008, 22:07:27 UTC
in the spirit of wishing it to continue for perhaps another - omitting Wraith, explosions, other catastrophes - ten, fifteen, twenty million more of the units already referenced, happy Versary you can have the fat pillow tonight please don't drool on it.

AHAHAHAHAHA YES. And the art is, as usual, utterly brilliant. I don't even know how you can make the inside of Rodney's brain look this crazy-beautiful, but you both do it so well.


sheafrotherdon July 16 2008, 22:08:17 UTC
it's because it IS crazy beautiful. Sometimes with more emphasis on the crazy :D

*tackles you*


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