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Comments 55

Team! miscellanny July 1 2008, 21:56:38 UTC

Artist looking for a Writer unaccompanied_g July 1 2008, 21:57:49 UTC
Oh, this looks fun!

(I might sign up twice, if time permits.)


Re: Artist looking for a Writer unamaga July 2 2008, 02:40:42 UTC
*lures you to her with promises of candy*



Re: Artist looking for a Writer unaccompanied_g July 2 2008, 02:57:46 UTC
Awesome! \o/

My email's improperly at gmail dot com. :D


miscellanny July 1 2008, 21:59:49 UTC
Also, question: does the fic/art prompt have to be from the same fandom?


newkidfan July 1 2008, 22:03:53 UTC
Preferably SGA or SG1, but there've been some xovers written in the past, so I'm going to say no, it doesn't have to be. :)


miscellanny July 1 2008, 22:11:50 UTC
I more meant by that that I was wondering if rewriting a fic to be SG:A as well as including aspects prompted by the art would be acceptable. So, like, sending my artist a due South fic with the understanding that it would be transplanted into SG:A 'verse as part of the rewriting process.

...does that make sense? XD


newkidfan July 1 2008, 22:15:24 UTC
That works too. It's pretty damn good idea even. :)


Artist seeking Writer newkidfan July 1 2008, 22:17:24 UTC
Yay! I'm a John/Rodney kind of girl. ♥


Re: Artist seeking Writer miscellanny July 1 2008, 22:21:29 UTC
I would be majorly interested in working with you, if you'd like. :D?


Re: Artist seeking Writer newkidfan July 1 2008, 22:31:56 UTC
I would be delighted. My email's newkidfan at gmail.com :)


Re: Artist seeking Writer miscellanny July 1 2008, 22:32:47 UTC
*bounces off to pick something*



Writer seeking Artist sardonicsmiley July 1 2008, 23:26:13 UTC
Oooh, I desperately want to try.


Re: Writer seeking Artist to_fangirl July 2 2008, 02:59:54 UTC
hey, i would love to work with you if you don't mind my newbie status.


Re: Writer seeking Artist sardonicsmiley July 2 2008, 03:54:31 UTC
Hey, we were all newbies once, right?

Though...do you do art? I looked through your journal, but saw only fics and icons for sga? (Knowing me, it is quite likely that I just completely missed what I was looking for.)


Re: Writer seeking Artist to_fangirl July 2 2008, 05:04:44 UTC
oh, silly sarah. that's a good question considering i've haven't posted any art, heh. and i feel like such a tease, but going off to get some things i realized i simply don't have any stargate stuff that would work for this challenge! sorry about that.
i'm embarrassed now. :x


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