011, Change, Collage

Jun 29, 2008 23:18

Challenge: 011 Illustrative typography
Author/Artist: velocitygrass
Title: Change
Character: John Sheppard
Type of Art: Collage
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Notes: There's no pairing, but John is gay. Thanks to neevebrody for taking a look at this and being encouraging.

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pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, author: velocitygrass, 011 - illustrative typography, art: collages, artist: velocitygrass

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Comments 12

darsynia June 29 2008, 21:53:41 UTC
Oh hon this is so absolutely beautiful. The use of color and similar fonts/pictures but with the happier lilt and stronger, cleaner lines just makes me so, so pleased.

You did a great job of telling a story that had as much to do with the connotation and perspective of the words involved as it does with John! That's the heart of this challenge, and you nailed it, right there.

*claps hands in delight*


unaccompanied_g June 29 2008, 21:57:28 UTC
Oh, oh, I absolutely love this! The difference between 'Faggot/Gay' and 'Lonely/Happy'is very powerful.


runauberginerun June 29 2008, 22:05:25 UTC
God, yes.


ladyoflisquill June 29 2008, 22:22:57 UTC
Wonderful idea. I love the pic.


equusentric June 29 2008, 22:34:03 UTC
I have one word for this: Perfection. ♥


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