Challenge 011; "Blue" vid&fic by bergann and kiki_miserychic

Jun 11, 2008 12:22

title: Blue
author: bergann
vidder: kiki_miserychic
music: Winter's Love by Animal Love
duration: 4:55
summary: When Lorne thinks of Atlantis, he thinks of it as blue before anything else.
vidder notes: I used BBC idents, a deleted scene from Battlestar Galactica, photos from Joe Mallozzi's blog, a Stargate: Atlantis screencap, and some traditional art of my own. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Sony Vegas.

download vid: stream and divx download from vimeo

BLUE - Transcript
When Lorne thinks of Atlantis, he thinks of it as blue before anything else. He thinks of the sky that hardly seems to have a cloud above the city, that stays clear and impressive above his head day after day. On the horizon he can see clouds, and in the beginning he expected to wake up to rain, but the rain doesn't come and the blueness above remains.

The ocean that stretches along the curve of the planet in every direction is also included in his blue picture of Atlanits. It's everywhere on this planet, much like the one they left behind, surrounding the city with water and clarity - sometimes, he'll stand on one of the balconies and look out, wondering about the marine life that lurks beneath the blue water.

He supposes there has to be different colors down there, that the life has to stick out from the blue. He likes the idea that there are colors in the blue, even if he can't see them. The knowledge is enough, and so just as he knows that the last planet had whales to offer, this one must have its own impressive creatures.

Sometimes he brings his paints with him to the balcony, settles down where the sun doesn't blind him and tries to paint in the feeling of watching water roll gently out there, to show how tranquil this city can be when there are no Wraith, no Genii and no Replicators.

But there's blue in the people as well. It fits that blue is all Atlantis is, since Atlantis is trust and loyalty and faith. Everything that blue is simmers in all of them that live in the city, and Lorne can see it on the fresh arrivals from the Daedalus too - he can see it in their faces, how they'll suddenly become aware of the thrumming of the city, of the people, strong and true.

The people of Atlantis are split into scientists and military, but to Lorne, the blue holds them together. There's the intelligence they either boast about or hide away, the confidence they all show when they're put in a situation that is so undoubtedly their area, and almost all of them now have the kind of wisdom that you can't find on Earth or anywhere else.

There are so many shades of blue in Atlantis - this Lorne both knows and sees. It's in the walls, in the ocean, in the people.

There was blue everywhere, Lorne would explain when asked to explain Atlantis. There was blue everywhere, in everyone, in everything. There was intelligence, bravery and confidence in the unity, balance, trust and commitment of Atlantis.

Blue is everything Atlantis was, and Lorne hopes it's what Atlantis always will be.

artist: kiki_miserychic, author: bergann, pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, 011 - illustrative typography, art: videos

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