Challenge 010, Montsalvat, wallpaper & fic

May 31, 2008 14:08

Title: Montsalvat
Artist: gingertheory
Author: busaikko
Challenge: 010
Rating: PG, Gen (mcshep if you squint *g*)
Spoilers: SGA S4, esp. Mortal Coil and Last Man
Summary: We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs ... and discuss whether they were made, or only just happened. (Mark Twain) What if repli!Rodney had kept backups, as ( Read more... )

pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, 010 - reversed, art: wallpapers, author: busaikko, artist: gingertheory

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Comments 2

busaikko May 31 2008, 04:33:01 UTC
Yay! It's up! It's gorgeous! Yay!


emily_reich May 31 2008, 08:43:07 UTC
haven't read the story yet, but the wallpaper is gorgeous! and it makes me want to read the story :D (also? dunno why, but I love the title.)


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