EDIT: There's been a deadline extension. The challenge will end June 11th, instead of June 4th.
Challenge 006A: remix challenge.
With your partner, pick one of the four following episodes: Home (S1E09), The Brotherhood (S1E16), Duet (S2E04) or Trinity (S2E06)
Writers: Keep some elements of the story as it happened in canon and then write an alternate story for the episode. You can choose to go AU, or to just sway a little bit from canon. It's your remix. You decide how much of the initial story you want to keep. You do not have to end your story where the episode ended; you can make it go on as long as you wish into the future following the chosen episode.
Artists: You can choose between a poster (350x500px), or a vid (30 seconds to 2 minutes). For the poster, only caps from the chosen episode are allowed (see download links below). Textures and stock pictures are ok too. For the vid, you are only allowed to use footage from the chosen episode.
Challenge 006B: graphic novel remix challenge.
With your partner, pick one of the four following episodes: Home (S1E09), The Brotherhood (S1E16), Duet (S2E04) or Trinity (S2E06).
Writers and artists: This challenge will require as much closer collaboration with your partner. Once you've decided on your episode, download the caps (see below). Take those caps and make your own story in the form of a comic strip/graphic novel (see
an example). You can only use the caps of the episode you have chosen. You can choose to sway only a little bit from canon, or, unlike 006A, decide to go completely AU, with no connection whatsoever to the plot as we know it. It goes without saying you do not have to use all the characters present in the caps; you do not have to use the caps in chronological order either, but you have to stick to the caps of the chosen episode. Format: 750x1400px is the size of a page. You can have as many pages as you want.
Note: This challenge seems a bit more demanding and challenging than 006A, but I hope some of you will give it a try... :)
All pieces of art should have a teaser when posted. Make sure your thumbnail is 250px or below (height and width).
Because it would have been too time consuming, I didn't cap the episodes manually. I run a program which did the capping automatically every three seconds. Consequently, some shots are blurry. Sorry about that. Most of the caps are good though. Have fun.
Oh, and if you're monitoring the community, do not plan on entering the challenge, but still are going to download the caps, I have no problem with this but please leave a comment. Thanks.
Home - Click on thumbnail for preview
sga109home_part01.rar (105MB. MegaUpload)
sga109home_part02.rar (112MB. MegaUpload)
The Brotherhood - Click on thumbnail for preview
sga116brotherhood_part01.rar (114MB. MegaUpload)
sga116brotherhood_part02.rar (119MB. MegaUpload)
Duet - Click on thumbnail for preview
sga204duet_part01.rar (114MB. SendSpace)
sga204duet_part02.rar (115MB. SendSpace)
Trinity - Click on thumbnail for preview
sga206trinity_part01.rar (109MB. SendSpace)
sga206trinity_part02.rar (118MB. SendSpace)
If you'd like to enter, comment to this post. If you're already in a team, tell me so. If you'd like to enter but don't know anyone to team up with, then comment below and say if you're looking for a writer/fan artist, or reply to someone else's comment saying you'd like to work with them...