Artslam 2016 Trophy List

Jun 18, 2016 22:33

Trophies are divided into six categories:

Drawing: earned by drawing and posting
Community: earned by participating in the community
Feedback: earned by leaving comments to other participants
Worldbuilding: earned by developing your world and characters
For Fun: miscellaneous goals
Fairy Fountain: awarded to you by another participant!

You can earn trophies anytime during June, July, or August. You can either request a trophy or another user can bestow one upon you. Multiple trophies can be earned per post or per comment; for example, if your first drawing is a sketch, you can request both Enter New Player and Pencil Pusher.

To request or bestow trophies, leave a comment on the current Trophy Quest post!

If anything on this list is unclear, feel free to ask questions here. If you'd like to see an acheivement that isn't on the list, please drop a comment! It will be considered for either this Slam or next year's!

Below is a list of each trophy and what is needed to snag them.


Submit one image to the Slam.

Submit seven images to the Slam.

Draw and submit one new drawing each day for a week.

Post every day for at least a month.

Submit several days' worth of images in one post.

Finish your challenge with each post containing more than one day's images.

Submit a sketch.

Complete an image using only digital media.

Complete an image using only traditional media.

Complete a fully rendered piece.

Draw five characters or subjects together.

Draw the same subject 10 days in a row.

Draw different subjects 10 days in a row.

Submit an image that is outside of your comfort zone.


Draw 30 images in June or 31 images in July or August.

Draw 61 images in June and July or 62 images in July and August.

Complete 92 images across the months of June, July, and August.

Complete Artslam on Hard mode and return next year.

Finish ahead of time.

When others sign up, they leave a note that you referred them to the community.

Four different participants sign-up and say that you have referred them to the community.

An achievement to honour those who participated as a moderator.

Awarded to those who participated in two years of Artslam.

Awarded to those who participated in four years of Artslam.

Bestow a trophy upon another participant.

Bestow three trophies upon other participants.


Leave three comments to other participants.

Leave six comments to other participants.

Leave twelve comments to other participants (Note that replies and comment-chains don't count!)

Leave a comment that welcomes a newbie or a vet back to the Slam!

Ask for critique on a piece in your post and receive a comment back that gave you one.

Leave a helpful critique to another participant.

Give three helpful critiques to other participants.

Drop a link to a useful tutorial, reference images, inspiring artists, etc.


Draw a map of a location, an overview, or a cut-away.

Draw five maps, overviews, or cutaway.

Draw a character sheet: an image showing the character from front/back/side, and/or with different items and costumes.

Create five different character sheets.

Draw a creature! Monsters, side-kicks, companions, and pets!

Draw ten different creatures.

Focus on the garb/costume of a character, or drew an example from your culture.

Draw five different costumes.

Any image that focuses on the structure of a machine or building -- this includes shop-fronts and interior design of spaces.

Five different buildings/machines/structures or one structure scene inside and out from different angles.

One comic page (including comic strips) or ten storyboards (which are essentially quickly drawn panels!)

Draw ten comic pages or fifty storyboards.

For Fun

Draw another participant's character. (Fanart Fridays kick in!)

Either draw one of your characters in another participant's setting, or draw one of their characters in yours.

You draw an image that depicts tentacles. D:

You draw an image that's not safe for work (depicting nudity or sexual situations)

Your image contains gore and/or violence

You've managed to collect five achievements... have another one!

You've managed to collect ten achievements (the preceding achievement counts towards obtaining this one!

You've collected twenty-five achievements. Now that's actually saying something!

Fairy Fountain

This is a special collection of trophies which cannot be self-awarded! Another user must bestow them upon you.

Show a visual process that indicates that you've worked hard to come up with your end result.

A creature, setting or situation that's just plain creepy or weird!

You depict something or someone that is overtly adorable.

Leave a comment to another participant that's inspiring or moving.

Leave three moving or inspiring comments to others.

Leave six moving or inspiring comments to others.

Leave a comment out of left field. (Sort of a boob-prize achievement.)

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